
Gender, Sexuality, and Society >> Content Detail



Classes will integrate lecture and discussion. Occasionally we will break into small groups for more concentrated discussion. Some lectures will directly engage our readings while others will integrate background historical and theoretical information.

Course Requirements


You must attend class and participate in discussions; this part of the course, including Reader Responses (see below), will account for 25% of the final grade. Writing Reader Responses will help you feel prepared to speak up in class; if a student does not volunteer, she or he may be called upon to speak. You are expected to keep up with all assigned readings. Students who miss more than 3 classes will lose credit.

Reading Responses

Reading responses consist of a couple paragraphs describing your reaction to one or more of the readings for that session. Do not summarize, but rather give us your response to the reading. These should take no more than 30 minutes to write. While reader responses are not individually graded, they will be factored into the overall evaluation of your performance. You will write five over the course of the term. You will be encouraged to post these on the online class forum prior to the class for which they are due to share your thoughts with your classmates.

Argumentative Essays

You will write 3 papers, each counting for 25% of your final grade. The first paper will address the relationship between gender/sexuality and political economy. The second paper will discuss a socially/politically controversial topic concerning gender/sexuality. The third paper may examine the role of gender and sexuality in the construction of personal identity, and can include personal reflection. There is no final examination.


Participation and Reader Responses25%
First Paper25%
Second Paper25%
Third Paper25%

Communication Intensive

This is a Communication Intensive (CI) subject. Your three papers will be 7-8 pages (roughly 2000 words) each. You will rewrite the first two papers in light of the comments received on them. The revised draft is the version that will be graded. Rewriting the third paper is optional. Because this is a CI subject, you will automatically pass Phase 1 of the Writing Requirement if you receive a grade of B or better.

Writing Tutor

We are fortunate to have a writing tutor for this course. You are required to make an appointment with her to discuss the progress of your first paper. You will be expected to meet with the writing tutor before submitting each draft and revised paper to the instructor.


Students will give a 5-10 minute presentation of the third paper, time limit to be determined on the basis of enrollment. Presentations are factored into the participation grade. Rehearsing is advisable.

Due Dates

The first two papers are due in Lec #9 and Lec #17. You will get the papers back no later than one week after they have been handed in, and must submit your rewrite one week later (Lec #12 and Lec #20, respectively). If you plan on revising the third paper, the first version must be handed in by Lec #23. The third paper is due in Lec #25.


Lec #TopicsKey Dates
1Introduction to the Study of Gender and Sexuality: The Sex/Gender System
Part I: Concepts and Themes
2Is Sex to Gender as Nature is to Culture?Reading response due in class
3Cultural Acquisition of Gender as Learned Behavior
Part II: Gender as a Social Institution
4Arranged Marriage and Inheritance in Agricultural and Pastoral Societies
5Science, Republicanism and The Woman QuestionHandout paper topics

Make appointment to meet with writing tutor in the next couple of weeks
6Social Reproduction: Reproducing Formal and Informal Class RelationsReading response due in class
7Women in the Global Economy (No Lecture)
8Gender, Work and Professionalization
9Gender and AgencyFirst paper due
10Appetite, Image, Control
Part III: Gender and Sexuality as Identity
11The Invention of Sexuality-based Identities
12Coming Out and Leaving the Closet BehindFirst paper rewrite due
13Other Genders/Sexualities
14Transvestite Lives and Sex WorkReading response due in class
15Transgender and Transexualism in the U.S.
17Do Western Sexual Identities Travel?Second paper due
18Sexism, Racism and Violence
Part IV: Reproductive Politics and Gendered Citizenship
19De-essentializing Sex/Gender/KinshipReading response due in class
20Fetal Images and Abortion DebatesSecond paper rewrite due
21Nationalism, Reproductive Politics and Gender
22Making Modern MothersReading response due in class (can include questions for the author!)

Proposal for third paper due
23Making Modern Mothers (cont.)
24Student Presentations
25Student Presentations (cont.)Third paper due


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