
Communicating in Technical Organizations >> Content Detail

Calendar / Schedule


This calendar features highlights of the topics and themes addressed in the course.


Discuss: Introduction

Explain details of class. Go over syllabus. Discuss the combination of different kinds of writing instruction, including tech writing, essay writing, and professional writing, plus theoretical concerns. Urge students to bring laptops to class.
2CVs and Microsoft® PowerPoint®

Each student is assigned a topic in his or her field of expertise, and must write a single-spaced, single page explanation of that topic for a high school student. In class we will examine and critique these explanations, rewriting where necessary for clarity. The assignment should be submitted electronically prior to class by email.
C1, CV due

C2, individual writing assignments due

Lead into this assignment with an assignment exchange from the previous week.

Discuss: Heidegger
A1D, individual critique of technological communications (draft) due

Workshop: Full Drafts of Technological Communications Critique
C3, memo to tech industry leaders due 

PW1, proposals and ideas for W1, Web design due
6Web Design IssuesA1R, critique of technological communications (revision) due
7Kittler and Blog DebatesC4, class presentation on blogs due
8Web DesignsW1, Web site for an idea (group project) due
9GamingC5, video/computer game review (due Sunday)

Catching Up
11Oral PresentationsA2, proposal for heads of industry, including lit review due
12Oral Presentations (cont.)


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