
Introduction to Psychology >> Content Detail

Lecture Notes

Lecture Notes

Media player software, such as QuickTime® Player, RealOne™ Player, or Windows Media® Player, is required to run the .mp3 files in this section. RealOne™ Player software is required to run the .rm files in this section.

For each lecture, students are given a brief handout containing an outline, key questions, and points to ponder. Slides on vision (LEC 5) and memory (LEC 6) are also presented here.

These files are also available for download from iTunes®.

1The Brain: Between the Ears, Behind the Eyes (PDF)(MP3 ‑ 18.2MB(RM - 16K)
2Motivation and Emotion: "Reason Alone Cannot Move Us To Do Anything" (PDF)(MP3 - 17.9MB)(RM - 16K)
3Learning: The Power of Association (PDF)(MP3 - 18.1MB)(RM - 16K)
4Sensing: Gathering the Information (PDF)(MP3 - 17.9MB)(RM - 16K)
5Attending: Limiting the Information (PDF)

Lecture Slide Collection (PDF)
(MP3 - 18.8MB)(RM - 16K)
6Perceiving: Interpreting the Information (PDF)

Lecture Slide Collection (PDF)
(MP3 - 18.3MB)(RM - 16K)
7Memory: What Do You Remember? (PDF)(MP3 - 18.5MB)(RM - 16K)
8Cognition: How Do You Think? (PDF)(MP3 - 18.3MB)(RM - 16K)
9Cognitive Development: How Do Children Think? (PDF)(MP3 - 17.6MB)(RM - 16K)
10Language: What Do You Say? (PDF)
11Language Development: What Do Children Say? (PDF)(MP3 - 16.9MB)(RM - 16K)
12Intelligence: How Do We Know You Are Smart? (PDF)(MP3 - 19.1MB)(RM - 16K)
13The Battle of the Sexes: Love and Evolution (PDF)(MP3 - 18.4MB)(RM - 16K)
14Social Exchange: Romantic Economics (PDF)(MP3 - 16.7MB)(RM - 16K)
15Attitudes and Behaviors: How Can We Be Controlled? (PDF)(MP3 - 18.7MB)(RM - 16K)
16Who Are you? The Psychology of the Self (PDF)(MP3 - 18.7MB)(RM - 16K)
17From Dissociation To Repression (PDF)(MP3 - 18.7MB)(RM - 16K)
18Freud and Fairy Tales (PDF)(MP3 - 18.2MB)(RM - 16K)
19Sleep and Dreams (PDF)(MP3 - 18.3MB)(RM - 16K)
20Defining Mental Illness: Are Suicide Bombers Insane? (PDF)(MP3 - 19.2MB)(RM - 16K)
21Causing Mental Illness: What Can Make You "Lose" Your Mind? (PDF)(MP3 - 17.5MB)(RM - 16K)
22Successful Disasters: Eating Disorders (PDF)(MP3 - 18.2MB)(RM - 16K)
23Successful Disasters: Date Rape (PDF)(MP3 - 11.9MB)(RM - 16K)


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