
The Brain and Cognitive Sciences I >> Content Detail

Calendar / Schedule


1Welcome to Core Students.
2Graybiel - The Motor System.
3Graybiel - The Motor System.
4Graybiel - The Motor System.
5Graybiel - The Motor System.
7Schiller - The Visual System.
8Schiller - The Visual System.
9Schiller - The Visual System.
10Schiller - The Visual System.
11Schiller - The Visual System.
12Brown - The Auditory System.
13Brown - The Auditory System.
MIDTERM (covers Graybiel and Schiller).
14Brown - The Auditory System.
15Brown - The Auditory System.
16Brown - The Auditory System.
17Wilson - Learning, Memory, and Sleep.
18Wilson - Learning, Memory, and Sleep.
19Wilson - Learning, Memory, and Sleep.
20Wilson - Learning, Memory, and Sleep.
21Miller - Cognition.
22Miller - Cognition.
23Miller - Cognition.
24Miller - Cognition.
25FINAL (covers Brown, Wilson, Miller) - 3 hours.



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