
Neural Basis of Movement >> Content Detail



Course Description

One of the central questions in the field of motor control is to understand how our motor goals are translated into actions. This course review the  general principles and specific examples of motor control in biological systems. Movement planning and the underlying neural mechanisms are explored and put in the context of the overall system operation. The strucutres and systems that are responsible for feedback and control will also be covered. These include sensory reception, reflex arcs, spinal cord organization, pattern generators, muscle function, locomotion, eye movement, and cognitive aspects of motor control. The central motor structures, and their interaction with the cerebellum, basal ganglia, and cerebral cortex, will be examined. Also, the role of cortical plasticity during motor learning, the computational approaches to motor control, and motor disorders are discussed.


  • Required readings
  • Two class presentations
  • 5-page mini-proposal presented at last class
  • Midterm exam
  • Final exam



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