
Cognitive Neuroscience >> Content Detail




This course explores the cognitive and neural processes that support attention, vision, language, motor control, navigation, and memory. It introduces basic neuroanatomy, functional imaging techniques, and behavioral measures of cognition, and discusses methods by which inferences about the brain bases of cognition are made. We consider evidence from patients with neurological diseases (Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease, Huntington's disease, Balint's syndrome, amnesia, and focal lesions from stroke) and from normal human participants.


There are no required texts for this course; however, there is an extensive reading list of primary research literature.


Class attendance is mandatory.

Journal article presentation and participation in class25%
8-min quiz every Wednesday25%
Mid-term test25%
Final examination25%
(Optional 10-15 page paper)(20%)


1Introduction to cognitive neuroscienceSue Corkin

Neuroanatomy demonstration, wet lab

Jerry Schneider

Sonal Jhaveri


Neuroimaging methods in cognitive neuroscience

David Salat, MGH/MIT/HMS Martinos center

1 student presentation

8-min quiz

4A critical eye on fMRIMoriah Thomason2 student presentations
5Object RecognitionBecca Schwarzlose

1 student presentation

8-min quiz

6Functional specialization of high-level visionBecca Schwarzlose2 student presentations
7AttentionBob Desimone

1 student presentation

8-min quiz

8Attention and neglectSue Corkin2 student presentations
9Mental imagerySue Corkin

1 student presentation

8-min quiz

10NavigationSue Corkin2 student presentations
11SynesthesiaSue Corkin

1 student presentation

8-min quiz

12NoveltySue Corkin2 student presentations
Mid-term test
13Frontal lobe functionsSue Corkin2 student presentations
14Working memory and control processesChristie Chung

1 student presentation

8-min quiz

15RewardSue Corkin2 student presentations

Parkinson's disease

Case presentation

John Growdon, Massachusetts general hospitalno student presentation

8-min quiz

17Audition and musicNadine Gaab

1 student presentation

8-min quiz

18AmusiaSue Corkin

2 student presentations

19Sex steroids and cognitionSue Corkin

1 student presentation

8-min quiz

20Plasticity in the adult brainDavid Ziegler

2 student presentations

21Anomia and category-specific naming disordersSue Corkin

1 student presentation

8-min quiz

22Effects of sleep on memorySue Corkin2 student presentations

Mild cognitive impairment and alzheimer's disease

Case presentation

John Growdon, Massachusetts general hospital

8-min quiz

Paper due

24Cognition in alzheimer's diseaseSue Corkin

2 student presentations


Developmental cognitive neuroscience

Charles A. Nelson, Boston children's hospital

2 student presentations

No quiz

Final examination


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