
Investigating the Neural Substrates of Remote Memory using fMRI >> Content Detail

Calendar / Schedule


1Introduction and Initial Readings.
2Continue readings. Design flyer and distribute it around Cambridge and Boston. Learn the definition of episodic memory (Tulving) as a basis to create the autobiographical stimuli.
3Create stimuli tailored individually for each participant capturing the gist of a unique, specific event in the participant when he/she sees them inside the scanner.
4Create stimuli. Scan at MGH. Learn the safety rules inside the scanner and prepare participants for scanning. Administer tests and questionnaires.
5Assist with Scanning at MGH.
6Interview participants' friends and family members; provide participants' friends and family members with guiding cues so that they can remember unique events that happened to the participant. Create stimuli. Scan at MGH. Learn about the scanning process.
7Conduct Interviews via Telephone. Create Stimuli. Scanning at MGH.
8Create Stimuli. Re-distribute Flyers.
9Conduct Interviews. Re-distribute Flyers.
10Create Stimuli. Re-distribute Flyers.
11Scan at MGH.
12Recruit Participants.
13Create Stimuli. Assist with Scanning Participants at MGH.
14Create Stimuli. Assist with Scanning Participants at MGH.



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