
Numerical Methods Applied to Chemical Engineering >> Content Detail



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Amazon logo Beers, Kenneth. Numerical Methods for Chemical Engineering: Applications in MATLAB®. New York, NY: Cambridge University Press, November 2006. ISBN: 9780521859714.

Assignment solutions courtesy of Mark Styczynski and Ben Wang, Course TAs. Used with permission.

PSet 1MATLAB® Programming, Chapter 10, Problems 1-5(PDF)#
PSet 2Linear Algebra (PDF)(PDF)sep_system_example.m (M), simple_1D_flow.m (M)
PSet 3Nonlinear Algebraic Systems (PDF)(PDF)#calc_f_ex1.m (M), CSTR_2D_NAE.m (M), CSTR_SS_ex1.m (M), Newton_2D_test.m (M), polycond_CSTR.m (M), polymer_flow_1D.m (M), reduced_Newton.m (M), search_bifurcation.m (M)
PSet 4Matrix Eigenvalue Analysis (PDF)(PDF)animate_2D_vib.m (M), lattice_2D_vib.m (M), quantum_1D.m (M), test_Gershgorin.m (M)
PSet 5ODE Initial Value Problems (PDF)(PDF)arclength_continuation.m (M), fit_enzyme_batch_sim1.m (M), generate_phase_plots_ex.m (M), hermite_ex.m (M), nonisothermal_CSTR_calc_f.m (M), nonisothermal_CSTR_Da_scan.m (M), PBR_DAE_sim.m (M), QSSA_ex.m (M)
PSet 6Numerical Optimization (PDF)(PDF)control_1D_HJB.m (M), ellipse_min.m (M), gradient_minimizer.m (M), optimal_control.m (M), optimal_design_CSTR.m (M), simple_cost_func.m (M), test_optimal_control.m (M)
PSet 7Boundary Value Problems (PDF)(PDF 1)#

(PDF 2)
BVP_2D_Poisson_FD.m (M), BVP_2D_Poisson_FD_cg.m (M), BVP_field_Jpattern.m (M), catalyst_nonisothermal_scan.m (M), cholinc_pcg_test.m (M), f_2D_uniform.m (M), pde_ex1.m (M), pde_ex1_bound.m (M), polygon1_geom.m (M), stove_top_3D_FD.m (M), tubular_reactor_2rxn_dyn_sim.m (M), tubular_reactor_2rxn_SS.m (M)
PSet 8Brownian Dyamics and Monte Carlo Simulation (PDF)(PDF)BD_1D.m (M), genetic_minimizer.m (M), global_min_cost_func.m (M), Ising_lattice_MC.m (M), make_Ising_lattice_MC_movie.m (M), MC_NVT_sim1.m (M), simulated_annealing.m (M), TDGL_A_2D.m (M), test_simulated_annealing.m (M)
PSet 9Fitting a Model to a Single Set of Data (PDF)(PDF)#batch_kinetics_dynamics_ex.m (M), Bayes_1D_HPD_MR.m (M), Bayes_1D_HPD_SR.m (M), Bayes_2D_HPD_MR.m (M), Bayes_2D_HPD_SR.m (M), Bayes_MCMC_1Dmarginal_MR.m (M), Bayes_MCMC_1Dmarginal_MRSL.m (M), Bayes_MCMC_1Dmarginal_SR.m (M), Bayes_MCMC_2Dmarginal_MR.m (M), Bayes_MCMC_2Dmarginal_MRSL.m (M), Bayes_MCMC_2Dmarginal_SR.m (M), Bayes_MCMC_pred_MR.m (M), Bayes_MCMC_pred_MRSL.m (M), Bayes_MCMC_pred_SR.m (M), calc_g_1Dinterval.m (M), calc_MRSL_posterior.m (M), calc_yhat_kinetic_ex1.m (M), calc_yhat_linear_model.m (M), calc_Yhat_reaction_ex_dynamic_MR.m (M), sim_anneal_MR.m (M), sim_anneal_MRSL.m (M)


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