
Logistical and Transportation Planning Methods >> Content Detail

Calendar / Schedule


The key for lecturers is as follows:

ALL: All instructors.
AIB: Professor Arnold Barnett, Sloan School of Management
ARO: Professor Amedeo Odoni, Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics
RCL: Professor Richard Larson, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering

Lec #TopicsLecturers
1Introduction, OverviewALL
2Pedestrian Crossing Problem 1AIB
3Pedestrian Crossing Problem 2AIB
4Functions of Random Variables 1AIB
5Functions of Random Variables 2AIB
6Geometrical Probability IAIB
7Geometrical Probability IIAIB
8Some Transportation ModelsAIB
9Introduction to Queues; Little's LawARO
10Markov Birth-and-Death QueuesARO
11More General Markov QueuesARO
12The M/G/1 Queue and ExtensionsARO
13Quiz 1
14Congestion PricingARO
15Queueing Networks; Dynamic QueuesARO
16Hypercube Queueing Model IRCL
17Hypercube Queueing Model IIRCL
18The Queue Inference EngineRCL
19Introduction to NetworksARO
20Node and Edge CoveringARO
21Location ProblemsARO
22Probabilistic Routing and LocationARO
23Simulating RandomnessAIB
25Quiz 2
26Final RoundupALL


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