
Organic Chemistry I >> Content Detail

Calendar / Schedule


This calendar provides lecture topics, links to lecture notes, and assignment and exam dates. Some lecture notes apply to multiple class sessions.

1Lecture 1
Review of Lewis Bonding (PDF)
Lecture 2
2Lecture 3
Molecular Orbital Theory, Hybridization (PDF)

Problem Set #1 Due
Lecture 4
Acidity (PDF)
Lecture 5
Bond Lengths and Strengths/Alkanes (PDF)
3Lecture 6
Conformational Analysis
Review Session

Problem Set #2 Due
Lecture 7
Exam 1 (during class period)
4Lecture 8
Lecture 9
Lecture 10
Stereochemistry (PDF)
5Lecture 11
Free Radical Reactions, Thermodynamics and Kinetics

Problem Set #3 Due
Lecture 12
Free Radical Reactions,
Thermodynamics and Kinetics (PDF)
Lecture 13
Alkyl Halides/SN2 (PDF)
6Lecture 14
Substitution Reactions of Alkyl Halides SN2/SN1

Problem Set #4 Due
Lecture 15
Substitution and Elimination Reactions of Alkyl Halides SN1/E1
Exam 2 (during class period)
7Lecture 16
Elimination Reactions of Alkyl Halides E1/E2 (PDF)
Lecture 17
Elimination Reactions of Alkyl Halides E2
Lecture 18
Structure and Synthesis of Alkenes
8Lecture 19 
The Alkene Double Bond: A Focus of Reactivity. Polar and Concerted Addition Reactions. (PDF)

Problem Set #5 Due
9Lecture 20
Hydrogenation, Addition of HX (Markovnikov Addition), Halogenation.
Lecture 21
Epoxidation, Hydroboration (Anti-Markovnikov Addition), Osmylation and Ozonolysis Alkene Polymerization.

Problem Set #6 Due
10Lecture 22
ALKYNES: Structure and Bonding. Introduction to the Alkyne Triple Bond. (PDF)
Lecture 23
Alkylation of Acetylide Anions (A Carbon Nucleophile)
Lecture 24
Addition Reactions to Alkynes, Hydrogenation, Halogenation and HX. Hydration of alkynes. Tautomerization.

Problem Set #7 Due
11Exam 3 (during class period)Lecture 25
ALCOHOLS: Structure, Synthesis and Reactions. Structure and Bonding. Acidity (brief review). Synthesis of Alcohols (methods to date and new strategies). Organometallic Reagents, Reactivity and Basicity. (PDF)
Lecture 26
Reaction of Carbonyl Compounds with Grignard and Organolithium Reagents. REDOX Relationships amongst Alcohols, Aldehydes and Ketones and Carboxylic Acids. Alcohols as Nucleophiles (Formation of Alkoxides) and Electrophiles (Formation of Tosylates). Esterification.
12Lecture 27
AROMATIC COMPOUNDS: Structure and Reactions.
2, 3, and 4 Pi Electron Systems.
Benzene -- the Prototypic Aromatic System. What is "Aromaticity"? Huckel's rule. Identifying Aromatic Systems. Charged and Neutral Species. Polycyclics and Heterocyclic. (
Lecture 28
Reaction Chemistry of Aromatic Compounds -- Electrophilic Aromatic Substitution: Halogenation, Nitration, Sulfonylation and Friedel-Crafts Alkylation and Acylation.

Problem Set #8 Due
13Lecture 29
Directing Effects in Electophilic Aromatic Substitution (PDF)
Lecture 30
Nucleophilic Aromatic Substitution. Strategies in the Synthesis of Multisubstituted Benzene Derivatives.
14Lecture 31
CARBONYL COMPOUNDS: Summary of Various Types of Carbonyl Compounds -- Aldehydes and Ketones, Carboxylic Acids and Carboxylic Acid Derivatives (Acid Chlorides, Acid Anhydrides, Esters and Amides).

Problem Set #9 Due
15Exam 4 (during class period)Lecture 32
Synthesis of Aldehydes and Ketones
Lecture 33
Reactions of Carbonyl Compounds with the Carbonyl Group as an Electrophile with H, C, N and O Nucleophiles.
16Lecture 34
Carbonyl Reactivity at the Alpha C-H (Enols and Enolates)
Lecture 35
17Final Exam (Duration 3 Hours)




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