
Organic Chemistry II >> Content Detail

Calendar / Schedule


This calendar contains lecture topics, reading assignments, and problem set and exam dates. The calendar also has links to problem sets, practice exams, additional study materials, and detailed outlines for different segments of the course.

1Lecture 1: Organic Structure Elucidation-IR Spectroscopy

Lecture Schedule (PDF)

Intoduction to 5.13

Unit 1 Study Guide (PDF)
Lecture 2: IR Spectroscopy

2Lecture 3: IR cont., Mass Spectrometric (MS) Techniques

See Wade pp. 757-760 on Friedel Crafts Acylation
Lecture 4: MS Fragmentation PatternsLecture 5: Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR)

PS1 Due


FIDs Shown in Class (PDF)
3Lecture 6: NMR

Styrene NMR at 90 MHz (PDF)

Ethanol NMR at 90 MHz in CDCl3 (PDF)
Lecture 7: Carbon NMR and Combined Analysis for Structure Elucidation

PS2 Due

Reference Data for Exam 1 (PDF)

Practice Exam (2002) (PDF)

Solution to the Practice Exam (PDF)

Para vs Meta Anisolealdehyde (PDF)
Lecture 8: Exam 1
4Lecture 9: UV Visible Spectrometry, FluoresenceLecture 10: Alcohols, Ethers, Epoxides, Sulfides


Unit 2 Study Guide (PDF)
Lecture 11: Alcohols, Ethers, Epoxides, Sulfides
5Lecture 12: Alcohols, Ethers, Epoxides, SulfidesLecture 13: Molecular Orbital Theory

PS3 Due

Lecture 14: Molecular Orbital Theory

Unit 3 Study Guide (PDF)
6Lecture 15: Pericyclic ReactionsLecture 16: Pericyclic Reactions

PS4 Due


PS5 Solutions (PDF)
Lecture 17: Sigmatropic Shift Reactions

Practice Exam 2 (from 2002) (PDF)

Solution to the Practice Exam (PDF)
7Lecture 18: Special Topics in Organic Electronics (Material to be tested on final)Lecture 19: Exam 2Lecture 20: Amines

Tentative Schedule for the Second Half Section (PDF)

Outline for Amines and Carboxylic Acid (PDF)
8Lecture 21: Amines


Practice Problems on Amines (PDF)
Lecture 22: Carboxylic Acids and DerivativesLecture 23: Carboxylic Acids and Derivatives
9Lecture 24: Carboxylic Acids and Derivatives


PS6 Due

Practice Problems on Carboxylic Acids (PDF)
Lecture 25: Enols and EnolatesLecture 26: Enols and Enolates

Outline of Topics for Second Half (PDF)
10Lecture 27: Enols and Enolates


PS7 Due

Practice Problems on Enols and Enolates (PDF)

Practice Exam for Exam 3 (From 2002) (PDF)

Solutions to the Practice Exam for Exam 3 (From 2002) (PDF)
Lecture 28: Optional Problem Solving Session

Practice Problems for Exam 3 (PDF)

Solutions for the Practice Problems for Exam 3 (PDF)
Lecture 29: Exam 3
11Lecture 30: Enols and EnolatesLecture 31: Carbocations


PS8 Due
Lecture 32: Carbocations
12Lecture 33: CarbocationsLecture 34: Radicals

PS10 (PDF)

PS9 Due
Lecture 35: Radicals
13Lecture 36: Exam 4 Lecture 37: Radicals

Additional Practice Problems for the Final (PDF)
Lecture 38: Photochemistry

Practice Final (PDF)

A final exam will be given 5 days after the last lecture.



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