
Introductory Quantum Mechanics I >> Content Detail



Mathematica® software is required to run the .nb files in this section.
This section provides all of the course's problem sets and a partial set of corresponding solutions.

Problem Sets

Problem Set 1 (PDF)
Problem Set 2 (PDF)
Problem Set 3 (PDF)
Problem Set 4 (PDF)
Problem Set 5 (PDF)
Problem Set 6 (PDF)
Problem Set 7 (PDF)
Problem Set 8 (PDF)
Problem Set 9 (PDF)
Problem Set 10 (PDF)

Problem Set Solutions
Problem Set 1, Number 1:
  1. Mathematica®  Notebook, Kyle's version (NB)

Problem Set 4, Number 1:

  1. Input to RKR for X-state Potential (TXT)
  2. Output from RKR for X-state Potential (TXT)
  3. Output from RKR for X-state Potential (channel 7) (TXT)
  4. Input to RKR for A-state Potential (TXT)
  5. Output from RKR for A-state Potential (TXT)
  6. Output from RKR for A-state Potential (channel 7) (TXT)
  7. Plot of X- and A-state Potentials (GIF)
  8. Input to LEVEL for Franck-Condon Factors (TXT)
  9. Output from LEVEL for Franck-Condon Factors (TXT)
  10. Output from LEVEL for Franck-Condon Factors (channel 8) (TXT)
  11. Output from LEVEL for Franck-Condon Factors (channel 10) (TXT)
  12. Plot of Franck-Condon Factors (GIF)
  13. Input to LEVEL for Matrix Elements of R (TXT)
  14. Output from LEVEL for Matrix Elements of R (TXT)
  15. Output from LEVEL for Matrix Elements of R (channel 8) (TXT)
  16. Input to LEVEL for Matrix Elements of P (TXT)
  17. Output from LEVEL for Matrix Elements of P (TXT)
  18. Output from LEVEL for Matrix Elements of P (channel 8) (TXT)

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