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Amazon logo Text: Horstmann, Cay. Big Java®: Programming and Practice. New York, NY: Wiley, 2001. ISBN: 0471402486.


Amazon logo NR: Press, William, Saul Teukolsky, William Vetterling. Numerical Recipes in C: The Art of Scientific Computing. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 1992. ISBN: 0521437202.

The following table contains readings from the required and optional text books.

Ses #TopicsReadings
Control and Scope
L1Course Overview, Introduction to Java®
L2Interactive Development Environment: EclipseText: 1.1-1.10
L3Data Types, OperatorsText: 3.1-3.9
R1Tutorial 1: Introduction to 1.00
L4Control StructuresText: 5.1-5.4
L5Control Structures IIText: 6.1-6.4
L6Methods, ScopeText: 7.1-7.5, 7.8-7.9
R2Tutorial 2: Data Types, Operators, Control Structures
Classes and Objects
L7ClassesText: 2.1-2.5
L8Classes IIText: 2.6-2.11
L9AccessText: 7.8-7.9
R3Tutorial 3: Methods, Scope, Classes, Objects
L10Static MembersText: 7.6-7.7
L11Arrays, ArraylistsText: 13.4-13.7
L12RecursionText: 17.1-17.3, 17.5
R4Tutorial 4: Access, Static, Arrays, Arraylists
Inheritance and Interfaces
L13InheritanceText: 11.1-11.4
Q1Quiz I
L14Inheritance IIText: 11.5-11.6
R5Tutorial 5: Recursion and Inheritance
L16Exceptions and Inner ClassesText: 14.1-14.6, review 9.3
Graphical User Interfaces
L17Introduction to SwingText: 4.1-4.10
R6Tutorial 6: Abstract Classes, Interfaces, and Problem Set 5
L18Swing Event ModelText: 12.1-12.6
L19Swing Event Model IIText: 10.1-10.6, 9.5
R7Tutorial 7: Swing I
L212D API, AppletsText: review 4.3-4.10
Numerical Methods
L22Matrix MethodsNR: 32-36
L23Linear SystemsNR: 37-42
L24Integration, Differential EquationsNR: 129-139
L25Root FindingNR: 347-368
R8Tutorial 8: 2D API, Model-View-Controller, Applets, Matrices and Linear Systems (1)
Data Structures
L26Stacks and QueuesText: 19.4
R9Tutorial 9: Matrices, Integration, Root Finding
L27Linked ListsText: 19.1-19.3
Q2Quiz II
L28TreesText: 20.5
R10Tutorial 10: Linked List
L29Graphs, Networks
Java® I/O (Streams)
L30StreamsText: 15.1-15.4
L31Streams IIText: 15.5-15.7
Sorting and Searching
L32Searching: HashingText: 20.1-20.4
L33Sorting AlgorithmsText: 18.1-18.3
R11Tutorial 11: Trees, Streams, Problem Set 10
L34Sorting Algorithms II
Threads and the Web
L35ThreadsText: 21.1-21.3
L36Threads IIText: 21.4
L37Java® and the WebText: 4.2, 22.1-22.6
Q3Final Exam


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