
Structural Mechanics in Nuclear Power Technology >> Content Detail

Study Materials


This page presents the assigned readings for some of the lectures, and supplemental reading material.

Notes by T. Jaeger and J. E. Meyer were internal documents and may not be available outside MIT.

Basic Relationships in Elasticity Theory (PDF)


Collins, chapters 1.1 to 1.5.


Metal Design Methods

Mechanics Fundamentals

Metal Design Methods

Collins, chapters 2.1 to 2.3.

Meyer, J. E. "Structural Design Notes."

Mechanics Fundamentals

Collins, chapter 4.

Wolf, Lothar, Mujid S. Kazimi, and Neil E. Todreas. "Introduction to Structural Mechanics." (PDF)


Mechanics Fundamentals (cont.)

Pressure Values of LWRs

Mechanics Fundamentals

Collins, chapters 5.1 to 5.3.

Pressure Values of LWRs

Meyer, J. E. "Pressure Vessel Design Analysis."

4Elastic Stress AnalysisJaeger, T. "Appendix: Continuum Equations for Three Dimensional Elastic and Thermoelastic Stress-strain Fields in Cylindrical Cooridinates."
5Elastic Stress Analysis (cont.)
6Design Limits

Collins, chapters 6.8 to 6.11.

Wolf, Lothar, Mujid S. Kazimi, and E. Neil. Todreas. "Introduction to Structural Mechanics." (PDF)

7Fusion First Wall Description and Thermal StressesCollins, chapter 8.3.
8Introduction to Plasticity/Damage Mech.

Collins, chapters 8.5 and 8.6.

Jaeger, T. "Appendix: Some Introductory Notes to the Theory of Plasticity."

9The Deformation Prediction - Creep

Collins, chapters 13.1 to 13.8.

Jaeger, T. "Introductory Discussion on Creep."

———. "Two-Bar Mechanism Mathematical Model for Linear-Creep Ratcheting of Thin-Walled Cylindrical Fuel Element Claddings Subjected to Internal Pressure and Thermal Cycling."

10Fuel Pin Design

Jaeger, T. "Axisymmetric Elastic-Plastic Plane Strain Deformation of a Solid Circular Cylinder of Tresca-Material Under Uniform Heat Generation."

———. "Thermoelastic Stressesina Hollow Cylinder with Thin-Walled Internal Cladding for Axisymmetric Plane Strain Conditions."

11Fuel Pin Design (cont.)Jaeger, T. "Axisymmetric Elastic-Plastic Plane Strain Deformation of a Hollow Cylinder of Von Mises-Material Under Internal Pressure and Thermal Cycling."
12Fuel Pin Design (cont.)Collins, chapter 5.4.
13Fuel Pin Design (cont.)

Collins, chapters 6.2 and 6.8.

14Containment Design
15Containment Design (cont.)
16Containment Design (cont.) / NDE
17Dynamic AnalysisJaeger, T. "Survey of Problems of Seismic Analysis and Aseismic Design of Nuclear Power Plant Structures and Equipment."
18Dynamic Analysis (cont.)
19Quiz 1
20Dynamic Analysis (cont.)
21Dynamic Analysis (cont.)
22Brittle FractureCollins, chapters 3.7 to 3.11.
23Brittle Fracture (cont.)
24Special Topic: PSA
25Special Topic: Pressurized Thermal Shock
26Term Paper Presentation
27Term Paper Presentation (cont.)


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