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Lecture Notes

Lecture Notes

Special software is required to use some of the files in this section: .dat, .f, .m, .nb, and .tar. The .h files are header files.

1-2Introduction: problem formulation, algorithm development, algorithm implementation, and algorithm verification. Structure and documentation.

Lecture 1 (PDF)

Lecture 2 (PDF)

Lecture 1

Class introduction; overview of languages; program development

Lecture 2

Discussion of aspects of computers and their operation. An example is given of program development for a simple case of computing the area of a figure.

In the lecture notes the poly_area.f (F) FORTRAN program is referred to. This program implements the area determination algorithm discussed in the lecture.

Links that are in the notes for this lecture:

What is big-endian?

Green's Theorem

The IEEE standard for floating point arithmetic
3-7Fortran: "Formula Translation". Program creation, compilation and linking, variables and parameters, flow control, subroutines and functions. Structure and documentation. Use of libraries, internal and external communication, and interaction with other languages. Fortran: implementation issues: compilation errors, segmentation violations, Not-a-Number (NaN), Input/Output (IOSTAT) errors, Runtime errors. Transportable code, standard extensions. Fortran 90 differences and similarities to Fortran 77.

Lecture 3 (PDF)

Lecture 4 (PDF)

Lecture 5 (PDF)

Lecture 6 (PDF)

Lecture 7 (PDF)

Lecture 3

Started FORTRAN (Formula Translation). Went through the basic elements that make up this language. An on-line version of a FORTRAN 77 manual can be found here. In reading these notes, you should think about operations you want to do and what command or commands do you use to do that. The list on FORTRAN intrinsic functions can be found here.

Other links to look at:

The FORTRAN Programming Language

Wikipedia Definition of FORTRAN

Lecture 4

Continued with showing the elements of the FORTRAN and more detail on the typically encountered features of the language. Topics covered: subroutines and functions; intrinsic functions; constants and variables; input output with open/close, read/write, formats; character strings.

The links in this lecture were to FORTRAN and intrinsic functions, which are given above. The programs poly_area.f (F) and vars.f (F) are also used.

Lecture 5

Continued with FORTRAN. Character strings, control statements if and do; other commands such as include, common, parameter.

Lecture 6

Finish up FORTRAN. Compile, linking and runtime errors and miscellaneous topics. Practice with using the language.

Lecture 7

Examines the changes that were made in FORTRAN 90 with the introductions on more modern concepts in programming languages.


C for scientific uses. Representation of data through arrays, pointers, and data structures. Function calls, argument passing and scoping rules, IO, profiling, system calls, and signals.

C++ objects. Encapsulation and inheritance, polymorphic operators.

Lecture 8 (PDF)

Lecture 9 (PDF)

Lecture 10 (PDF)

Lecture 11 (PDF)

Lecture 8

Start of C-language programming. History, variables and executable statements.

Additional link for this class:

The Development of the C Language

Some pages comparing syntax of FORTRAN and C:

Basic C: C and FORTRAN 77 syntax (PDF)

Basic C: new features (PDF)

A set of basic exercises in C (PDF)

area.c (C) and hello.c (C)

Lecture 9

Continuation of C. Covering Examined C-pointer; file input/output and the routines for formatted reads and write; compiling C routines; the C preprocessor cpp; structures in C; memory management.

Lec09_pnt.c (C) is demonstration of pointers

Lecture 10

Finish structures and memory management in C. Start of C++

Inheritance and overloading in C++

C and C++ routines used in class launch.c (C)

Example of inheritance (ustring is a class that inherits from the string class but stores everything in upper case): string.h (H), (CC), and ustring.h (H)

C++ class and program for a bouncing ball: Ball.h (H) and (CC)

Example of overloading the + operator: (CC) and coord.h (H)

Lecture 11

Finish up of C++ looking at classes, inheritance and overloading


Mathematica. What it is and what it can do; structure of Mathematica; symbols, exact numbers, and machine numbers; lists, vectors, and matrices.

Working with Mathematica: numerical calculations, symbolic calculations, and graphics. Importing and exporting information.

Lecture 12 (PDF)

Lecture 13 (PDF)

Lecture 12

Start of Mathematica. These lectures are accompanied by a Mathematica notebook that shows example of concepts presented in the notes.

12.010.Lec12.nb (NB)

Lecture 13

Continuation of Mathematica. These lectures are accompanied by a Mathematica notebook that shows example of concepts presented in the notes.

12.010.Lec13.nb (NB)


MATLAB. "Matrix Laboratory". MATKAB syntax, workspace, variables. Script M-files, IO, control flow, debugging, and profiling tools. Object-oriented programming.

MATLAB applications, polynomials, interpolation, integration, differentiation, ODE. Graphics, 2-D, 3-D, Graphical User Interface (GUI).

Lecture 14 (PDF)

Lecture 15 (PDF)

Lecture 16 (PDF)

Lecture 17 (PDF)

Lecture 14

MATLAB: introductory lecture on MATLAB introducing system, variable types, control and functions. The following MATLAB M-files are used in the lecture:

Lec01_01.m (M)

Lec01_02.m (M)

Lecture 15

MATLAB: path command, variables, file IO and dialog boxes. The following M-files are used:

Lec02_01_file.m (M)

Lec02_02_db.m (M)

Lec03_01_file.m (M)

The data for these M-files can be found in MatData. A tar file with the data is TSeries.tar (TAR) (The TAR file contains: 30 .dat files.)

Lecture 16

MATLAB: graphics handles and animation of figures. The following M-files are used in class:

Lec03_movie.m (M)

MATLAB/per_func.m (M)

Lecture 17

MATLAB: final class on GUI construction and use. The following M-files are used (along with the data from MatData: a tar file with the data is TSeries.tar (TAR) (The TAR file contains: 30 .dat files.) Basic GUI layout:

GPSanal.m (M)

gpsguio.m (M)


Advanced topics: parallel computing with large memory and large numbers of CPUs.

Advanced topics: parallel MATLAB

22-23Graphics: review of common graphics program. Graphics with spreadsheets, Kaleidagraph, Generic Mapping Tool (GMT). Numerical methods: introduction to numerical methods. Material from this class will be useful in the final project.

Lecture 22 (PDF)

Lecture 23 (PDF)

Lecture 22

Introduction of class project. Demonstration and final programs due one day after Lec #25. Graphics formats and issues about vector and pixel based graphics. GMT graphics package for mapping applications.

Lecture 23

Class projects: statistics and random number generators. M-file randtest.m (M) is implementation of an LCG random number generator.


Final project: 2 classes on discussion on problem and basic approaches

Final class will be in-class demonstrations of the final project program

Lecture 24 (PDF)

Lecture 24

Examined Mathematica homework solution, demonstrated animation and ODE solvers. Looked at some commercial graphics packages.

Files used in class:

ODE_dem.m (M)

bacc.m (M)

hit.m (M)

animate.m (M)


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