
Seminar in Environmental Science >> Content Detail



Students are required to read and discuss scientific literature, assemble and analyze relevant data, formulate and criticize quantitative theories, and provide weekly oral reports on their progress. They are also required to provide weekly written summaries. The below are example summaries by students, used with permission.

2Geoengineering the climate

Jessica Stanley (PDF)

Lisa Song (PDF)

3Global warming and ice ages

Adam Rigel (PDF)

Jessica Stanley (PDF)

Lisa Song (PDF)

5Wind turbine placementsAdam Rigel (PDF)
GeoengineeringLisa Song (PDF)
6Soil carbon sequestration and the greenhouse effectJessica Stanley (PDF)
7Wind power costs and installationAdam Rigel (PDF)
Soil carbon sequestration and the greenhouse effect (cont.)Jessica Stanley (PDF)
How could serpentine be used to form magnetiste for long-term carbon dioxide removal?Lisa Song (PDF)
11Calculating the carbon emissions or sequestration from land useJessica Stanley (PDF)
Synthesizing carbonatesLisa Song (PDF)


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