
Structure of Earth Materials >> Content Detail

Image Gallery

Image Gallery

These galleries contain images of the hand samples studied in the mineral labs, presented with their chemical formulas.  Each gallery corresponds to both a lab exercise and a set of lecture notes (given below).

Gallery 1Native Elements, Sulfides and Oxides.8: Minerals 1Lec 9: Earth's Element Inventory - Metals and Sulfides
Gallery 2Neso Silicates, Sorosilicates and Cyclosilicates.9: Minerals 2Lec 10: High P Mantle Mineralogy
Gallery 3Single Chain Ino-Silicates (Pyroxenes), Double Chain Ino-Silicates (Amphiboles), Phyllosilicates and Tectosilicates.10: Minerals 3Lec 11: Pyriboles; Lec 12: Feldspar, Quartz
Gallery 4Halides, Sulfates, Borates, Phosphates and Carbonates.11: Minerals 4Lec 13: Carbonates, Sulfates, etc.


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