
Petrology >> Content Detail



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0IntroductionMicroscope Care (PDF)

Lab Notes (PDF)
Hand Sample Properties Rubric (PDF)
1Plagioclase, Olivine, Orthopyroxene, and ClinopyroxeneLab 1a (PDF)

Lab 1b (PDF)
Olivine (PDF)

Plagioclase (PDF)

Pyroxene (PDF)
2Feldspars, Amphiboles, and Sheet SilicatesLab 2 (PDF)K-spar (PDF)

Amphiboles (PDF)

Sheet Silicates (PDF)
3Garnet, Quartz, Feldspathoids, Zeolites, and Anything else…Lab 3 (PDF)Garnet Group (PDF)

Quartz (PDF)

Feldspathoids (PDF)

Zeolites (PDF)
4Sumptuous TexturesLab 4 (PDF)
5Mantle RocksLab 5 (PDF)Spinel Group (PDF)
6BasaltsLab 6 (PDF)
7Arc Volcanoes - A Case Study of Mt. DoomLab 7 (PDF)Data (XLS)

Stratigraphy (JPG)
8GranitesLab 8 (PDF)
9SedimentLab 9 (PDF)
10Lab MidtermEach student will be given a hand sample and a thin section. You are supposed to write two pages describing them (e.g., identify minerals as much as you can and write down how you identify them, rock texture and implications of crystallization environment, cooling history and so on). It will be due on the same day.
11Hand Specimens of Metamorphic RocksLab 11 (PDF)
12Progressive Metamorphism of PelitesLab 12 (PDF)Image Gallery
13Other Metamorphic RocksLab 13 (PDF)Image Gallery
14Bonus Lab: More Metamorphic RocksLab 14 (PDF)Image Gallery
15Lab Final ExamLab Final (PDF)


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