
Seminar in Geophysics: Thermal and Chemical Evolution of the Earth >> Content Detail

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Lec #TopicsLECTURERSreadings
1Geodynamics: Introduction - Parameterized ConvectionRichard O'ConnellThe following papers will be discussed in Lecture 2
(N. B. Everyone should read the papers, but groups will present the material and lead the discussion)

Group 1

McNamara, and Van Keken. "Cooling of the Earth: a parameterized convection study of whole versus layered models." G-cubed (2000).

Group 2

Davies. "Thermal histories of convective Earth models and constraints on radiogenic heat production in the Earth." JGR (1980).

General Discussion

Hofmeister, and Chriss. "Earth's heat flux revised and linked to chemistry." Tectonophysics (2005).
2Geochemistry: Composition of the Earth

Heat Producing Elements

Isotopic Evolution
Stein JacobsenGeneral Reading

Amazon logo Ringwood, A. E. Origin of the Earth and Moon. New York, NY: Springer-Verlag, 1979, chapters 1, 2, 3, and 4. ISBN: 9780387903699.

Related Reading Assignments 

The following papers will be presented/discussed in Lecture 3
(N.B. Everyone should read the papers, but groups will present the material and lead the discussion)

Group 3

Allegre, C., et al. "Chemical composition of the Earth and volatility control on planetary genetics." EPSL (2001).

Optional: Patchett, P. J., et al. "Lu-HF and Sm-Nd isotopic systematics in chondrites and their constraints on the Lu-Hf properties of the Earth." EPSL (2004).

Group 4

Walker, R. J., et al. "Low abundances of highly siderophile elements in the lunar mantle: evidence for prolonged late accretion." EPSL (2004).

Optional: Brandon, A. D., et al. "186Os-187Os systematics of Gorgona island komatiites: implications for early growth of the inner core." EPSL (2003).
3Core Energetics: Geodynamo Constraints on Heat Generation and TransportJeremy BloxhamThe following papers will be presented/discussed in Lecture 4

Group 1

Nimmo, F. "Why does Venus lack a magnetic field?" Geology 30 (2002): 987-990.

Group 2

Christensen, U., and A. Tilgner. "Power requirements of the geodynamo from Ohmic losses in numerical and laboratory dynamos." Nature 429 (2004): 169-171. (along with "News & Views" by Holme in same issue)
4Mineral Physics: Phase Transitions and Implications for Mantle DynamicsDan ShimThe following papers will be presented/discussed in Lecture 5

Group 3

Smyth, J. R., and D. J. Frost. "The effect of water on the 410-km discontinuity - An experimental study." Geophysical Research Letters 29, no. 10 (2002).

Group 4

Weidner, D. J., and Y. Wang. "Chemical- and Clapeyron-induced buoyancy at the 660 km discontinuity." Journal of Geophysical Research 103 (1998): 7431-7441.
5Mantle Petrology: Chemical and Petrological Constraints of Mantle Evolution (Accretion Models; Early Earth Conditions; Magma Ocean; Implications for Other Planets)Tim GroveThe following papers will be presented/discussed in Lecture 6

Group 1

Grove, T. L., and S. W. Parman. "Thermal evolution of the Earth as recorded by komatiites." Earth and Planetary Science Letters (2004).

Group 2

Davies, G. F. EPSL 136 (1995): 363-379.
6Noble Gas Constraints on Mantle StructureSujoy MukhopadhyayThe following papers will be presented/discussed in Lecture 7

Group 3

Ballentine, C., et al. "Numerical models, geochemistry, and the zero-paradox noble-gas mantle." Phil Trans R Soc Lond Ser A (2002).

Group 4

Yamamoto, J., and P. G. Burnard. "Solubility controlled noble gas fractionation during magmatic degassing: implications for noble gas compositions of primary melts of OIB and MORB." Geochimica and Cosmochimica Acta (2005).
7Constraints on Mantle Structure and Composition from Seismic Tomography (Part 1)Rob Van Der HilstThe following papers will be presented/discussed in Lecture 8

Group 1

Ritsema, J., and R. Allen. "The elusive mantle plume." Earth Planet Sci Lett (2003).

Group 2

Montelli R., G. Nolet, F. A. Dahlen, G. Masters, E. R. Engdahl, and S. H. Hung. "Finite-frequency tomography reveals a variety of plumes in the mantle." Science 303 (2004): 338-343.

Backround Reading

Montelli R., G. Nolet, G. Masters, F. A. Dahlen, and S. H. Hung. "Global P and PP traveltime tomography: rays versus waves." Geophys J Int 158 (2004): 637-654.
8Constraints on Mantle Structure and Composition from Seismic Tomography (Part 2)Rob Van Der HilstThe following papers will be presented/discussed in Lecture 9

Group 3

Kellogg, L., B. H. Hager, and R. D. Van Der Hilst. "Compositional stratification in the deep mantle." Science 283 (1999): 1881-1884.

Group 4

Trampert, J., F. Deschamps, J. Resovsky, and D. Yuen. "Probabilistic tomography maps chemical heterogeneities throughout the lower mantle." Science 306 (2004): 853-856.

And the related "Perspective":

Van Der Hilst, R. D. "Changing views on Earth's deep mantle." Science 306, Part 2 (2004): 817-818.
9Simple Fluid Dynamical Constraints on Mixing, and UnmixingBrad HagerThe following papers will be presented/discussed in Lecture 10

Group 2

Becker, T. W., J. B. Kellogg, and R. J. O'Connell. "Thermal constraints on the survival of primitive blobs in the lower mantle." EPSL 171 (1999): 351-365.

Group 1

Hager, B. H., et al. "Lower mantle heterogeneity, dynamic topography, and the geoid." Nature 313 (1985): 541-545.
10Mantle Geochemistry and HeterogeneityRichard O'ConnellThe following papers will be presented/discussed in Lecture 11

Group 3

Xie, S., and P. J. Tackley. "Evolution of helium and argon isotopes in a convecting mantle." PEPI 146 (2004): 417-439.

Group 4

———. "Evolution of U-Pb and Sm-Nd systems in numerical models of mantle convection." Journal of Geophysical Research 109 (2004).
11Lower Most Mantle and D'' (Heat Flow, Thermal Boundary Layers, Post-Perovskite,...)Helge Gonnermann / Rob Van Der HilstLecture 12 is the last meeting of this class. As a 'Grand Finale' all students taking the class for credit will present one of the following papers.

Hernlund, J. W., C. Thomas, and P. J. Tackley. "A doubling of the post-perovskite phase boundary and structure of the Earth's lowermost mantle." Nature 434, no. 7035 (April 14, 2005): 882-886.

Jellinek, A. M., and M. Manga. "The influence of a chemical boundary layer on the fixity, spacing and lifetime of mantle plumes." Nature 418, no. 6899 (August 15, 2002): 760-763.

Davaille, A. "Simultaneous generation of hotspots and superswells by convection in a heterogenous planetary mantle." Nature 402, no. 6763 (December 16, 1999): 756-760.

Sidorin, I., M. Gurnis, and D. V. Helmberger. "Evidence for a ubiquitous seismic discontinuity at the base of the mantle." Science 286, no. 5443 (November 12, 1999): 1326-1331.

Dobson, D. P., and J. P. Brodholt. "Subducted banded iron formations as a source of ultralow-velocity zones at the core-mantle boundary." Nature 434, no. 7031 (March 17, 2005): 371-374.

Lay, T., Q. Williams, and E. J. Garnero. "The core-mantle boundary layer and deep Earth dynamics." Nature 392, no. 6675 (April 2, 1998): 461-468.

Buffett, B. A. "Estimates of heat flow in the deep mantle based on the power requirements for the geodynamo." Geophysical Research Letters 29, no. 12, Art. No. 1566 (June 15, 2002).

Badro, J., J. P. Rueff, G. Vanko, et al. "Electronic transitions in perovskite: Possible nonconvecting layers in the lower mantle." Science 305, no. 5682 (July 16, 2004): 383-386.
12As a 'Grand Finale' all students taking the class for credit will present a short paper


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