
Turbulence in the Ocean and Atmosphere >> Content Detail

Lecture Notes

Lecture Notes

Some lectures have additional material in the form of figures and movies referred to as graphics in the table below.

1Introduction (PDF - 1.0 MB) 
2Transition to Turbulence (PDF) 
3Statistics and Turbulence (PDF) 
4-6Convection (PDF)Page 5: planforms
Page 7: growth rate surfaces
Page 7: stability bndry
Page 9: lorenz eqns tau=0
Page 9: lorenz eqns tau=10
Page 11: mfa
Page 11: 2d
Page 12: rough surfaces
Page 13: finite amp
Page 14: surface convection
Page 15: thermals
Page 15: thermals in stratification
Page 16: plumes
Page 16: plumes in stratification
7-83D Turbulence (PDF) 
92D Turbulence (PDF)Page 2: 2d
Page 2: statistics
Page 2: averages
Page 3: mean k
Page 5: point vortex simulations
Page 7: vortex waves
Page 7: vortices in shear
Page 8: vortices in neighbor field
10QG Turbulence (PDF)Page 4: means
Page 5: two vertical mode case
Page 6: example
Page 6: resonance
Page 7: resonance-angle
Page 7: resonance-modes
11Mean-Field Approximation 
12SQG Turbulence (PDF)Page 1: atmosphereic and oceanic stratification
Page 2: sqg turbulence
Page 6: triad interactions
Page 8: finite-depth sqg
Page 9: eady problem
13Effective Diffusivity (PDF)Page 2: qgpv and fluxes
Page 6: stokes drift
14Transformed Eulerian Mean (PDF) 
15Transformed Eulerian Mean in 3D (PDF) 
16Particle Motions, Stokes' Drift (PDF)Page 1: random flight
Page 8: stokes drift
Page 8: psi
Page 9: poincare sections
Page 9: continuum
Page 10: bio dynamics
Page 13: effective coeff
17Baroclinic Turbulence (PDF)Page 2: growth rates
Page 2: eady
Page 2: examples
Page 3: diagnostics
Page 3: triad
Page 7: example
18Gyres (PDF)Page 1: stommel 1 gyre
Page 1: two gyre
Page 3: example
19Turbulent Boundary Layers (PDF) 
20Nonlinear Internal Waves, Solitary Waves (PDF)Page 7: collision
Page 7: kdv solns
21Topographic Waves (PDF)Page 1: internal gravity waves
Page 2: free gravity wave properties
Page 4: lee waves


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