
Principles of Automatic Control >> Content Detail

Lecture Notes

Lecture Notes


The blank areas found in the lecture notes below are intentional. Students are given the printed notes preceeding each lecture but are expected to fill in blank areas themselves based on the in-class content.

Supplements to the notes are available (PDF)

Module 1: Control System Analysis
1Course Introduction(PDF)
2Introduction to Control Systems(PDF)
3Control System Analysis and Design(PDF)
4Disturbances and Sensitivity(PDF)
5Steady-State Errors(PDF)
6S-Plane, Poles and Zeroes(PDF)
7Transient Response and Stability(PDF)
8Dominant Modes(PDF)
9Transient Response and Performance(PDF)
10Effects of Zeroes(PDF)
Module 2: State-Space Methods
11State Space(PDF)
12State Space Modeling(PDF)
13More State Space Modeling and Transfer Function Matrices(PDF)
14Quanser Model and State Transition Matrices(PDF)
15Solutions of State Space Differential Equations(PDF)
17Quiz 1
18Controllability Continued(PDF)
19State Space Design(PDF)
Module 3: Time Domain System Design
20Proportional Control(PDF)
21Control System Design (Time Domain)(PDF)
22Root Locus Rules(PDF)
23Root Locus Examples(PDF)
24Root Locus Design(PDF)
25Compensator Design(PDF)
Module 4: Frequency Domain System Design
26Frequency Response Analysis(PDF)
27Polar Plots(PDF)
28Principle of the Argument and the Nyquist Stability Criterion(PDF)
29Nyquist ExamplesSee Lec 28 notes
30More Nyquist Examples(PDF)
31Quiz 2
32Gain and Phase Margins(PDF)
33The Gain-Phase Plane and Nichols Charts(PDF)
34Open and Closed Loop Behavior and the Second Order System Paradigm(PDF)
35Bode Diagrams(PDF)
36First and Second Order System Bode Diagrams(PDF)
37Compensation and Bode Design(PDF)
38More Bode Design
39Train Lecture(PDF)


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