
Introduction to Anthropology >> Content Detail

Lecture Notes

Lecture Notes

The lecture notes for sessions 1 and 2 were written by Professor Howe. The lecture notes for sessions 9 and 14 were written by Anne Pollock, the Teaching Associate for the course. The lecture notes for sessions 6-12, 15-16, 19 and 21-24 were taken during class by Emily Kagan for OCW.

1Introduction: Anthropology and Its Divisions (PDF)
2Being Cultural (PDF)
3Evolution and Adaptation
4Film: Number Our Days
5Doing Fieldwork
6Ethnography (PDF)
7Writing and Pain (PDF)
8Uniqueness and Cultural Difference (PDF)
9Race and Biological Difference (PDF)
10Giving and Receiving (PDF)
11Potlatch and Kula (PDF)
12Morality and Cultural Relativism (PDF)
13Film on Exchange, with Discussion
14Anthropological Studies of Science (PDF)
15Thinking Symbolically (PDF)
16Kinship and Marriage (PDF)
18Film: The Nuer
19The Nuer of the Sudan (PDF)
20Film: Strange Practices
21Making Sense of the Nuer (PDF)
22Making More Sense of the Nuer (PDF)
23Problems with Culture (PDF)
24More Problems with Culture (PDF)


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