
Electromagnetics and Applications >> Content Detail

Movie Demonstrations

Movie Demonstrations

MATLAB® software is required to run the .m files in this section.Media player software, such as Quicktime PlayerRealOne Player, or Windows Media Player, is required to run the .mpeg files in this section.

This section contains the movies and demos that are related to the course. These movies were developed with MATLAB®. The movie/demo files and corresponding MATLAB® files are provided, along with the relevant lecture or recitation session during which the topics are covered. The following link also contains demos from a previous offering of the course: Physical Demonstrations of Faraday's Law, Electrostatics, and Radiation.

Demo [1.1] Ref [Lecture 2]
This movie demonstrates the phase difference and the amplitude decay of the E and H field in freespace.
[MPEG - 1.6 MB
] [MATLAB® script]
Freespace image
Demo [1.2] Ref [Recitation 4]
This movie demonstrates a right-handed elliptically polarized wave
[MPEG - 1.2 MB
] [MATLAB® script]
RHEP image
Demo [1.3] Ref [Recitation 4]
This movie demonstrates a left-handed elliptically polarized wave
[MPEG - 1.2 MB
] [MATLAB® script]
LHEP image
Demo [1.4] Ref [Lecture 4]
This movie demonstrates the array radiation pattern for 4 dipoles
[MPEG - 1.2 MB
] [MATLAB® script]
Array 1 image
Demo [1.5] Ref [Lecture 6]
This movie demonstrates the propagation of a UPW through a rectangular aperture
Diffract 1 image
Demo [1.6] Ref [Lecture 6]
This movie demonstrates the propagation of a UPW through a slotted rectangular aperture
Diffract 2 image
Demo [1.7] Ref [Lecture 7]
This movie demonstrates the propagation of a modulated pulse through a dispersive plasma media
[MPEG - 1.7 MB]
Dispersion image
Demo [1.8] Ref [Lecture 7]
This movie demonstrates the phase difference and the amplitude decay of the E and H field in a very lossy medium.
[MPEG - 1 MB
] [MATLAB® script]
Lossy image
Demo [1.9] Ref [Lecture 7]
This movie demonstrates the phase difference and the amplitude decay of the E and H field in a plasma medium.
] [MATLAB® script]
Plasma image
Demo [1.10]
This movie demonstrates the VSWP of a quarter wave transfromer for the matched case.
Match image
Demo [1.11]
This movie demonstrates the VSWP of a quarter wave transfromer for the mismatched case.
mismatch image
Demo [1.12]
This movie demonstrates the VSWP of a resonator(high Q).
[MPEG-4 - 5.5 MB]
high Q image
Demo [1.13]
This movie demonstrates the VSWP of a resonator(low Q).
[MPEG-4 - 5.5 MB]
low Q image
Demo [1.14]
This movie demonstrates the particle position and differential pressure of sound wave.
[MPEG-4 - 1.1 MB]
soundwave pressure image
Demo [1.15]
This movie demonstrates the total voltage on a transmission line with different load and source termination.
[MPEG - 4.4 MB

total voltage image

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