
Computer System Engineering (SMA 5501) >> Content Detail



For the assignments in the table below, all chapter readings refer to the class notes:

Saltzer, Jerome H., and M. Frans Kaashoek. Principles of Computer System Design. (6.033 class notes, draft release 2.0, MIT, February 2005.)

ses #Topicsassignments
R1Worse is Better
L1Introduction to SystemsAssignment 1
R2The Architecture of ComplexityAssignment 2
L2Complexity in Computer SystemsAssignment 3
R3Therac-25Assignment 4
L3AbstractionsAssignment 5
R4UNIX® (Ritchie and Thompson)Assignment 6
W1Writing Program Lecture
L4NamingAssignment 7
R5More UNIX®
L5Fault Isolation with Clients and ServersAssignment 8
R6X Window SystemAssignment 9
T1Design Project 1 IntroductionDesign Project 1 Assignment

Virtual Memory
Assignment 10
L7Virtual Processors: Threads and CoordinationAssignment 11
R7Flash Web ServerAssignment 12
T2Design Project 1 Discussion
L8PerformanceAssignment 13
R8MapReduceAssignment 14
L9Introduction to NetworksAssignment 15
R9EthernetAssignment 16
Q1Quiz 1: Material through R8Quiz 1 FAQ
L10Layering and Link LayerAssignment 17
R10End-to-end ArgumentsAssignment 18
L11Network Layer, RoutingAssignment 19
R11Internet RoutingAssignment 20
T3Design Project 1 + Writing
L12End-to-end LayerAssignment 21
R12NFS Protocol (first five pages)Assignment 22
L13Congestion ControlAssignment 23
R13NATsAssignment 24

Design Project 1 FAQ
L14Distributed NamingAssignment 25
R149/11Assignment 26
L15ReliabilityAssignment 27
R15Fault-tolerance War StoriesDesign Project 2 FAQ
L16Atomicity ConceptsAssignment 28
R16LFSAssignment 29
L17RecoverabilityAssignment 30
R17System RAssignment 31
L18IsolationAssignment 32
R18More System R + ChocolateAssignment 33
L19Transactions and ConsistencyAssignment 34
R19UnisonAssignment 35

Please read Ch 10.D before reading the paper
Q2Quiz 2: Material from L9 through R15Quiz 2 FAQ
L20Multi-site AtomicityAssignment 36
R20DurabilityAssignment 37
L21Security IntroductionAssignment 38
R21Security War StoriesAssignment 39
L22AuthenticationAssignment 40
R22Trusting TrustAssignment 41
L23Authorization and ConfidentialityAssignment 42
R23Why DO Cryptosystems Fail?Assignment 43
R24Slammer and DoSAssignment 44
L24Advanced AuthenticationAssignment 45
R25Design Project 2 PresentationsRecitation Preparation
L25Complex, Trusted Systems
(Guest Lecture by Professor Hal Abelson)
R26Hints for System DesignAssignment 46
Q3Quiz 3: Material from L16 through R26


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