
Introduction to Electric Power Systems >> Content Detail

Study Materials


The course notes are the main set of readings for this course. Chapter 7 of the course notes is not available on MIT OpenCourseWare. The steel data in Chapter 8 are courtesy of the Electric Motor Education and Research Foundation and are used with permission.

AC = alternate current
DC = direct current

1Review of network theory (PDF)
2AC power flow in linear networks (PDF)
3Polyphase networks (PDF)
4Introduction to symmetrical components (PDF)
5Introduction to load flow (PDF)
6Magnetic circuit analog to electric circuits (PDF)
7Power electric motor drives
8Electromagnetic forces and loss mechanisms (PDF)
9Synchronous machine and winding models (PDF - 1.2 MB)
10Analytic design evaluation of induction machines (PDF)
11DC (commutator) and permanent magnet machines (PDF)
12Permanent magnet "Brushless DC" motors (PDF - 1.7 MB)


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