
Physics of Microfabrication: Front End Processing >> Content Detail



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Course Objectives

  • Thorough understanding of the unit process steps
  • Exposure to modern CMOS process flow and integration issues
  • Introduction to the impact of processing on device electrical performance
  • Awareness of epitaxial growth, characterization, and processing of SiGe
  • Basic understanding of the SUPREM IV process simulator

Note: This field changes dramatically every few years. Keeping up with the latest developments is a continuous process.

Who should take this Class

Anyone considering graduate research or a career in microelectronics or microfabrication.


Exposure to basic concepts covered in 6.152J helpful but not required.

Required Text

Plummer, James, Michael Deal, and Peter Griffin. Silicon VLSI Technology: Fundamentals, Practice and Modeling. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall, 2000. ISBN: 0130850373.


Homework (5 Homework Assignments)50%
Term Project50%

Term Project

Paper: maximum length of 20 pages, or

In-Class Presentation (with handouts): 17 minutes, plus 3 minutes for questions/discussion.


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