
Operating System Engineering >> Content Detail



Special software is required to use some of the files in this section: .zip.

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There is a homework assignment due at the beginning of each lecture. The assignment is usually comprised of a reading assignment and / or a written portion to be turned in at the beginning of class. Other reading assignments can be found in the readings section.

Assignments 4-12 require the files and xv6.pdf. These files are provided courtesy of Frans Kaashoek, Robert Morris, and Russ Cox and are used with permission. (ZIP)
This is a ZIP archive of the xv6 folder, which contains files needed for a running version of xv6.

xv6.pdf (PDF)
This is a formatted version of the xv6 computer code.

2Intro to x86 and PC (PDF)
3OS Organization (PDF)
4Intro to xv6 (PDF)
5x86 MMU (PDF)
6xv6 and Interrupts and Exceptions (PDF)
7Locking (PDF)
8Threads and Context Switching (PDF)
9Sleep and Wakeup (PDF)
10Files and Disk I/O (PDF)
11Naming (PDF)
12Reliable Files and Directories (PDF)
13The Plan 9 OS (PDF)
14Microkernels (PDF)
15Disco (PDF)
17Receive Livelock (PDF)
18Multiprocessor Synchronization (PDF)
19Shells (PDF)
22OS Bugs (PDF)


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