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Communication assignment refers to the form that the student's written assignment should take. For example, if the assignment refers to "press release," the student's submission should be in the form of a press release. Some of the assignments refer to "WRT," which stands for "Winston's Reading Time." This refers to the length of time the professor needed to read the paper, which students can use to estimate their reading time, once they have calibrated themselves against the professor on the first few assignments.

1Winston Reflects on the First 50 years
2Turing Suggests Test for SuccessPaper Decoding (PDF)
3Minsky Lays Out Steps Toward Creating AIBroken Glass Diagrams (PDF)
4Brooks Denies Value of Representations Davis and Friends Affirm Value of RepresentationsContributions (PDF)
5Marr Speaks to What Constitutes Good WorkTalking Points (PDF)
6Ullman Explains Visual RoutinesAbstract/Conclusion (PDF)
7Ullman Introduces Goldilocks TheoryPress Release (PDF)
8Rao Offers Explanation for Acquisition of Visual RoutinesCover Letter (PDF)
9Borchardt Focuses on Transitions

Tenure Letter (PDF)

10Jackendoff Grounds Out in Trajectories

Recommendation Letter (PDF)

11Vaina and Grearenblatt Condemn Trees

Slide Shows (PDF)

12Minsky Predicts Important Role for Perception

Email Critique (PDF)

13Spelke Demonstrates Role of Language in Reorientation

Interview (PDF)

14Geiger Argues that Dyslexics See too Much

Letter to Author(s) (PDF)

15Kirby Speculates on the Emergence of Syntax Sutherland Calls for Courage

Journal Review (PDF)

17Gentner Recalls the Importance of Analogy

Study Report (PDF)

18Larson Grounds Symbols in Perception

Trip Report (PDF)

19Yuret Lays a Foundation for Language Semantics

Proposals (PDF)

20Yip and Sussman Use Sparse Spaces to Model Learning of Phonological Rules

Textbook Chapter Opening (PDF)

21Finlayson Announces the Goldilocks Principle

Endorsement Letter (PDF)

22Winston Attacks Laird

Talking Points (PDF)

23Sur Rewires Brains

Getting the Message to Garcia (PDF)

A Message to Garcia (PDF)

24Coen Perceives Work Together-Win Together Theme

Recommendation (PDF)


Recommendation, Presentation, Suggestions (PDF)

26Presentations (cont.)

Recommendation, Presentation, Suggestions (cont.)


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