
Computer Graphics >> Content Detail



Any number of development tools can be used to compile and run the .C and .h files in this section. Any number of graphics applications can import the .obj files in this section.

0Iterated Function Systems (IFS) (PDF)Project Code
image.C (C)
image.h (H)
matrix.C (C)
matrix.h (H)
parse.C (C)
vectors.h (H)

Input Files
dragon.txt (TXT)
fern.txt (TXT)
giant_x.txt (TXT)
sierpinski_triangle.txt (TXT)
1Ray Casting (PDF)Scene Description File Grammar (PDF)

Project Code
hit.h (H)
image.C (C)
image.h (H)
matrix.C (C)
matrix.h (H)
parse.C (C)
ray.h (H)
scene_parser.C (C)
scene_parser.h (H)
vectors.h (H)

Input Files
scene1.txt (TXT)
scene2.txt (TXT)
scene3.txt (TXT)
scene4.txt (TXT)
2Transformations and Additional Primitives (PDF)Scene Description File Grammar ( PDF)

Project Code
hit.h (H)
light.h (H)
matrix.C (C)
matrix.h (H)
scene_parser.C (C)
scene_parser.h (H)

Input Files
bunny_1k.obj (OBJ)
bunny_200.obj (OBJ)
cube.obj (OBJ)
scene1_diffuse_light.txt (TXT)
scene2_ambient_light.txt (TXT)
scene3_perspective_camera.txt (TXT)
scene4_plane.txt (TXT)
scene5_sphere_triangle.txt (TXT)
scene6_cube_mesh.txt (TXT)
scene7_squashed_sphere.txt (TXT)
scene8_rotated_sphere.txt (TXT)
scene9_rotated_squashed_sphere.txt (TXT)
scene10_bunny.txt (TXT)
scene11_axes_cube.txt (TXT)
3Ray Tracing and Phong Materials (PDF)Scene Description File Grammar (PDF)

Project Code
hit.h (H)
image.C (C)
image.h (H)
light.h (H)
scene_parser.C (C)
scene_parser.h (H)

Input Files
scene1_exponent_variations.txt (TXT)
scene2_plane_sphere.txt (TXT)
scene3_colored_lights.txt (TXT)
scene4_reflective_sphere.txt (TXT)
scene5_transparent_bars.txt (TXT)
scene6_transparent_sphere_1.0.txt (TXT)
scene7_transparent_sphere_1.1.txt (TXT)
scene8_transparent_sphere_2.0.txt (TXT)
scene9_point_light_distance.txt (TXT)
scene10_point_light_circle.txt (TXT)
scene11_point_light_circle_d_attenuation.txt (TXT)
scene12_point_light_circle_d2_attenuation.txt (TXT)
4Grid Acceleration (PDF)Project Code
object3dvector.h (H)
raytracing_stats.C (C)
raytracing_stats.h (H)
scene_parser.C (C)
scene_parser.h (H)

Input Files
bunny_1k.obj (OBJ)
bunny_5k.obj (OBJ)
bunny_40k.obj (OBJ)
bunny_200.obj (OBJ)
cube.obj (OBJ)
scene1_cube_mesh.txt (TXT)
scene2_bunny_mesh_200.txt (TXT)
scene3_rasterize_sphere_5x5x5.txt (TXT)
scene4_rasterize_sphere_5x5x5.txt (TXT)
scene5_rasterize_sphere_20x20x20.txt (TXT)
scene6_bunny_mesh_1k.txt (TXT)
scene7_bunny_mesh_5k.txt (TXT)
scene8_bunny_mesh_40k.txt (TXT)
5OpenGL and Solid Textures (PDF)Project Code
camera_additions.txt (TXT)
glCanvas.C (C)
glCanvas.h (H)
light.C (C)
light.h (H)
material_additions.txt (TXT)
matrix.C (C)
matrix.h (H)
object3d_additions.txt (TXT)
scene_parser.C (C)

Input Files
scene1_cube_mesh.txt (TXT)
scene2_bunny_mesh_5k.txt (TXT)
scene3_spheres.txt (TXT)
scene4_exponent_variations.txt (TXT)
scene5_colored_lights.txt (TXT)
scene6_bars.txt (TXT)
scene7_checkerboard.txt (TXT)
scene8_transparent_sphere_checkerboard.txt (TXT)


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