
Natural Language and the Computer Representation of Knowledge >> Content Detail

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The page numbers below refer to readings in the course textbook: Jurafsky, and Martin. Speech and Language Processing: An Introduction to Natural Language Processing, Computational Linguistics and Speech. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall, 2000. ISBN: 0130950696.

Week 1: Introduction: The NLP Enterprise, from Words to Meaning
1Introduction, Organization, Laboratories, Course Overview: Introduction to NLP, Main Issues, fsa'spp. 1-57; Notes 1 (PDF)
Week 2: Word Modeling: Automata and Linguisticspp. 58-90
2Linguistics: Phonology and Morphology I, 2-Level Morphology, KimmoNotes 2 (PDF)
3Linguistics: Phonology and Morphology IIpp. 287-321
Week 3: Word Modeling: Statistical Approaches and Part of Speech Tagging
No lecturepp. 235-284
4HMM Tagging, Statistical Transformation Rule-Based Tagging, Precision, Recall, Accuracy
Week 4: Linguistics and Grammars; Parsing Algorithms INotes 3 (PDF)
5Part of Speech Tagging: The Brill Taggerpp. 357-394
6Introduction to Parsing, Linguistics: Syntax & Parsing
Week 5: Parsing Algorithms IINotes 4 (PDF)
7Shift-Reduce Parsers in Detail, Earley's Algorithm and Chart Parsing
8Context-Free Parsing and Beyond: Efficiency Issues, Feature-Based Parsing, NL System Designpp. 477-498
Week 6: Parsing Algorithms and the Lexicon
9Shift-Reduce Parsers in Detail, Earley's Algorithm and Chart Parsing
10Parsing with an Integrated Lexicon - The Question of Syntactic Features
Week 7: Semantic Interpretationpp. 395-446; pp. 447-476
11Semantic Interpretation I: Compositionality
12Semantic Interpretation II: Compositionality and Quantifiers
Week 8: Feature Parsing; Tree Banks and Probabilistic Parsing
13Semantics III: Lexical Semantics
14Semantics IV: Lexical Semanticspp. 501-544
Week 9: Semantics II
15Semantics V: Constraint-Based Systemspp. 545-588
16Semantics V: Constraint-Based Systems
Week 10: Machine Translation I and IIpp. 589-630
17Machine Translation I
18Machine Translation II
Week 11: Machine Translation III
19Machine Translation IIIpp. 631-666
Week 12: Machine Translation IV
Project Discussion Day
20Machine Translation IVpp. 799-830
Week 13: Language Learning
21Language Learning I
22Language Learning II
Week 14: Evolutionary Models of Language Learning and Origins
23Computational Models of Language Change, I
24Computational Models of Language Change and The Origins of Language


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