
Pervasive Human Centric Computing (SMA 5508) >> Content Detail



Course Description

This course is broad, covering a wide range of topics that have to do with the post-pc era of computing. It is a hands-on project course that also includes some foundational subjects. Students will program iPAQ handheld computers, cell phones (series 60 phones), speech processing, vision, Cricket location systems, GPS, and more. Most of the programming will be using Python®, but Python® can be learned and mastered during the course. There will be reading assignments, small programming exercises, a quiz, and a final project.


6.033 (or equivalent).


There is no required textbook. However, readings will be assigned for every lecture, generally from research papers accessible on the Web.


The largest contribution to your grade will be the course project, in which you will work in small groups to design, implement, and evaluate a user interface.

Problem sets and homeworks will be assigned periodically.

There will be one quiz, given during class time. See the course calendar for the sessions. There will be no final exam.

This is a graduate class, and we will be reading and discussing research papers. Preparation, attendance, and participation in class will also be a factor in your grade!

Grades will be determined based on the following percentages:

Course Project40%
Problem Sets and Homework25%
Class Participation5%

Collaboration Policy

You may freely discuss assignments with other people, but you are expected to be intellectually honest and give credit where credit is due.


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