
Complex Digital Systems >> Content Detail

Calendar / Schedule


The first half of the class includes lectures on technology and scaling. In the second half of the course, students will work in small groups on large chip design projects with regular advisory meetings with the instructors.

The calendar below provides information on the course's lecture (L), tutorial (T), quiz (Q), and project (P) sessions. The last lecture or recitation is delivered midway through the course; after that date, class time is spent entirely on group projects.

ses #topicskey dates
L2Digital Design Using VerilogLab 1 assigned
L3CMOS Technology and Logic Gates
T1Verilog Simulation I
T2Verilog Simulation II
L6ClockingLab 1 due
L7Bluespec I: MotivationLab 2 assigned
L8Bluespec II: Designing with Rules
L9Bluespec III: Modules and InterfacesLab 2 due
L10Bluespec IV: Rule Scheduling and Synthesis
T3BluespecLab 3 assigned
L11PowerHand out project choices
L12Bluespec V: Processors
L13Bluespec VI: Modularity and PerformanceLab 3 due
L14Transaction Level Design and Verification
Q1QuizPreliminary project proposals due
P1Team Discussion on Preliminary Proposals (Groups 2, 3, 4)
P2Team Discussion on Preliminary Proposals (Groups 1, 5, 6)Project proposals due 2 days after project session 2
P3Team Discussion on UTL Design (Groups 2, 3, 6)
P4Team Discussion on UTL Design (Groups 1, 4, 5)High-level UTL architectural doc due 2 days after project session 4
P5Team Discussion on Test Strategy (Groups 2, 3, 6)
P6Team Discussion on Test Strategy (Groups 1, 4, 5)Test strategy doc due 2 days after project session 6

Ref impl working with test harness and in CVS
P7Team Discussion on RTL (All Groups)Microarchitectural design doc due 2 days after project session 7

Initial RTL design working and in CVS
P8Team Discussion on Design Exploration (Groups 2, 3, 6)
P9Team Discussion on Design Exploration (Groups 1, 4, 5)Design exploration doc due 2 days after project session 9

Multiple alternative designs working and in CVS
P10Final Team Discussion (Groups 2, 3, 6)
P11Final Team Discussion (Groups 1, 4, 5)
P12Project Presentations (Groups 2, 3, 6)
P13Project Presentations (Groups 1, 4, 5)Final report due 2 days after project session 13


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