
Ultrafast Optics >> Content Detail

Lecture Notes

Lecture Notes

Below is a selection of lecture notes that approximate chronologically the topics and themes listed on the calendar.

1Introduction to Ultrafast OpticsChapter 1 (PDF)
2-4Maxwell-Bloch Equation

Two-Level Atoms and Rabi Flopping

Dispersion, Absorption, Gain
Chapter 2 (PDF)
5-8Nonlinear Pulse Propogation

Pulse Compression

Self-Phase Modulation (SPM) and Solitons

Soliton Pertubation Theory
Chapter 3 (PDF - 2.4 MB)
9-10Rate Equations and Relaxation Oscillation

Chapter 4 (PDF)
11Master Equation and Active Mode-LockingChapter 5 (PDF)
12-13Passive Mode-Locking with Fast Saturable Absorbers

Passive Mode-Locking with Slow Saturable Absorbers
Chapter 6 (PDF)
14-15Artificial Saturable Absorber Mode-Locking (APM and KLM)

Kerr-Lens Mode-Locking (KLM)
Chapter 7 (PDF - 1.0 MB)
16Semiconductor Saturable Absorber Mode-LockingChapter 8 (PDF)
17-18Pulse Characterization I - Autocorrelation

Pulse Characterization II - FROG and SPIDER
Chapter 10 (PDF)
19-20Noise in Mode-Locked Lasers

Frequency Metrology
Chapter 9 (PDF)
21Ultrafast Measurement TechniquesChapter 11 (PDF)
22Pulse AmplificationChapter 12 (PDF)
23Optical Parametric Amplification (OPA) and Optical Parametric Oscillation (OPO)
24Broadband Parametric Amplification
25High-Harmonic Generation and Seeded Free-Electron Lasers
26Ultrafast Optics Group Lab Tour


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