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Reading for Specific Lectures

1ASEAN Description
3The California Experience with Power Sector Reform
6The FERC orders introduce the two transmission projects, provide background, summarize the industry proposal, and state the FERC decision. Read these to understand the projects, and bring questions to class on the FERC policy process as well as on the proposed transmission projects.
7Read at least 1 article from each of the first two sections.

Section 1: Overview, Academic Articles

Section 2: California System Operator

Other Readings:

  • Bonbright, James, et. al. "Principles of Public Utility Rates." Arlington, VA: Public Utilities Reports Inc., 1988. Chap. 10.
  • Fischer, Stanley, Rudiger Dornbusch, and Richard Schmalensee. Economics. 2nd ed. New York: McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1988. Chap. 14, excerpts.
  • Tollison, Robert, and Richard Wagner. "The Logic of Natural Monopoly Regulation." Eastern Economic Journal 17, 4: 483-490.
  • Jaffe, Adam, and Joseph Kalt. "Incentive Regulation for Natural Gas Pipelines." The Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University.
  • Brennan, Timothy J. "The California Electricity Experience, 2000-01: Education or Diversion." RFF Report, October 2001.
    Available at
  • Van Vactor, S. A., and F. H. Pickel. "(De)Regulation Follies." Public Utilities Fortnightly 139, 9 (May 1, 2001).
  • Casazza, J. A. "Errant Economics? Lousy Law? Market Manipulation? All Three !!" Public Utilities Fortnightly (March, 2001).
  • Sheffrin, Anjali. "Empirical Evidence of Strategic Bidding in California ISO Real Time Market." Department of Market Analysis, California ISO, March 2001.
  • Hildebrandt, Eric. "Further Analyses of the Exercise and Cost Impacts of Market Power In California's Wholesale Energy Market." Department of Market Analysis, California ISO, March 2001.
  • Joskow, Paul, and Edward Kahn. "A Quantitative Analysis of Pricing Behavior In California's Wholesale Electricity Market During Summer 2000." January 15, 2001. Available on the web.
  • Besant-Jones, John, and Bernard Tenenbaum. "Lessons from California's Power Crisis." Published by the Energy Sector Management Assistance Program, a joint program of the World Bank and the United Nations Development Program, April 2001.
    Available at
  1. Read through the excerpts from FERC Order No. 2000 and Docket RM01-12 to get a sense of the starting point for the current industry discussion on markets.
  2. Read at least one of the documents from FERC Staff to get an idea of how FERC Staff is framing the question.
  3. Read one academic paper closely to understand the arguments of the author, and skim through the others to get an idea of how they frame the issues.

FERC Orders

  • Excerpts of FERC Order No. 2000 (PDF)
  • FERC RM01-12 (Order providing guidance on market design) (PDF)

FERC Staff Documents

  • "Electricity Market Design and Structure." FERC Staff summary paper from technical conference
  • Concept discussion paper for an electric industry transmission and market rule (PDF)
  • Working paper on Standardized Transmission Service and Wholesale Electric Market Design (PDF)

Academic Articles

Other Readings:

  • Tenebaum, Bernard, Reinier Lock, and Jim Barker. "Electricity Privatization: Structural, Competitive and Regulatory Options." In Energy Policy. Butterworth-Heinemann Ltd., December 1992, pp. 1134-1156.
  • Brennan, Timothy J., Karen Palmer, and Salvador Martinez. "Implementing Electricity Restructuring: Policies, Potholes, and Prospects." Discussion Paper 01-62, December 2001.
    Available at
  • Bacon, R. W., and J. Besant-Jones. "Global Electric Power Reform, Privatization, and Liberalization of the Electric Power Industry in Developing Countries." Annual Review of Energy and the Environment 26 (2001): 331-359.
  • Chao, Hung-po, and Robert Wilson. "Design of Wholesale Electricity Markets." Electric Power Research Institute, Draft 990101, 42 pages.
  • Excerpts from FERC Order 2000: 89 FERC 61, 285 United States of America Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, 18 CFR Part 35, Docket No. RM99-2-000; Order No. 2000 Regional Transmission Organizations, issued December 20, 1999.
  • "Order Providing Guidance on Continued Processing of RTO Filings." Docket No RM01-12, Before the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, issued November 7, 2001.
  • "Electricity Market Design and Structure." Docket No. RM01-12-000, Staff Summary of Discussions (Federal Energy Regulatory Commission), October 15-19, 2001.
  • "Concept Discussion Paper for an Electric Industry Transmission and Market Rule." Staff of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, December 17, 2001.
  • Smeers, Yves. "What can the US learn from the European experience in the construction of a real integrated electricity market?" Harvard Electricity Policy Group, Washington D.C.: September 2001.
  • Chandley, John D. "A Standard Market Design for Regional Transmission Organizations." September 17, 2001.
  • "Order Accepting for Filing and Suspending Proposed Tariffs and Agreements, Consolidating Dockets, and Establishing Hearing Procedures." AEP - CSW, Docket No EC98-40, Before the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, issued November 10, 1998.
  • "Initial Decision." AEP - CSW, Docket No EC98-40, Before the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, issued November 23, 1999. (Initial decision of Administrative Law Judge, Judge Nacy.)
  • Direct testimony of Dr. E. Linn Draper. AEP - CSW, Docket No EC98-40, April 1998.
  • "Stipulation of AEP-CSW and Commission Trial Staff." AEP - CSW, Docket No EC98-40, Before the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, filed May 24, 1999.

General Reading

Philipson, Lorrin, and H. Lee Willis. Understanding Electric Utilities and De-Regulation. New York: Marcel Dekker Inc., 1998.

Kahn, Alfred E. The Economics of Regulation: Principles and Institutions. Cambridge: MIT Press, 1970. (Sixth printing, 1995.)

Schweppe, Fred C., Michael C. Caramanis, Richard D. Tabors, and Roger E. Bohn. Spot Pricing of Electricity. Boston: Kluwer Academic Press, 1988.

Joskow, Paul L., and Richard Schmalensee. Markets for Power. Cambridge: MIT Press, 1983.

Baughman, Martin L., Paul L. Joskow, and Dilip P. Kamat. Electric Power in the United States: Moldels and Policy Analysis. Cambridge: MIT Press, 1979.

Johansson, Thomas B., Birgit Bodlund, Robert H. Williams, eds. Electricity, Efficient End-use and New Generation Technologies and Their Planning Implications. Sweden: Lund University Press, 1989.

deLucia, Russell J., Henry D. Jacoby and others. Energy Planning for Developing Countries: A Study of Bangladesh. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins Press, 1982.

Pechman, Carl. Regulating Power: The Economics of Electricity in the Information Age. Boston: Kluwer Academic Press, 1993.

DOE/EIA. Electricity Reform Abroad and U.S. Investment. US Energy Information Administration. Washington D.C.: October 1997.

Pennwell. International Electric Power Encyclopedia. Tulsa, Pennwell Publishing, 1988.

Munasinghe, Mohan. The Economics of Power System Reliability and Planning: Theory and Case Study. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins Press, 1979.

Kalt, Joseph, and Frank Schuller, eds. Drawing the Line on Natural Gas Regulation: The Harvard Study of the Future of Natural Gas. New York: Quorum Books, 1987.

Andrews, Clinton J., ed. Regulating Regional Power Systems. New York: Quorum Books, 1995.

Wood, Allen J., and Bruce F. Wollenberg. Power Generation Operation & Control. New York: J. Wiley & Sons, 1984.

Crandall, Robert, and Jerry Ellig. Economic Deregulation and Customer Choice: Lessons for the Electric Industry. Fairfax, VA: Center for Market Processes, George Mason University, 1997.

Hyman, Leonard S. America's Electric Utilities: Past, Present and Future. 2nd ed. Arlington, VA: Public Utilities Reports Inc., 1985.

Smeers, Yves, and Adonis Yatchew, eds. Distributed Resources: Toward a New Paradigm of the Electricity Business. A special Issue of the Energy Journal, IAEE, 2001.

Ilic, Marija, Francisco Galiana, and Lester Fink, eds. Power System Restructuring: Engineering and Economics. Boston: Kluwer Academic Press, 1998.

Scherer, Charles R. Estimating Electric Power System Marginal Costs. Amsterdam: North-Holland Publishing Company, 1977.

Awerbuch, Shimon, Leonard Hyman, and Andrew Vessey. Unlocking the Benefits of Restructuring: A Blueprint for Transmission. Arlington, VA: Public Utilities Reports Inc., 2001.

Chao, Hung-po, and Robert Wilson. Design of Wholesale Electricity Markets. Draft 99.11.09. The Electric Power Research Institute, 2001.

Additional materials will be added to the list as the semester progresses.




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