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1Course Introduction
2Alternative Models of Decision Making in Government and BusinessIsenberg, Daniel J. "How Senior Managers Think." Harvard Business Review (November-December 1984): 81-90.

Lindblom, Charles. "The Science of Muddling Through." Public Administration Review 14 (Spring 1989): 79-88.

Zaleznik, Abraham. "Management and Leaders: Are They Different?" Harvard Business Review (March-April 1992): 126-135.

Kanter, Rosabeth Moss. "The New Managerial Work." Harvard Business Review (November-December 1989): 85-92.
3Managing Uncertainty: Strategic Planning in BusinessWack, Pierre. "Scenarios: Shooting the Rapids." Harvard Business Review (November 1985): 122-135.

Zack, Michael. "Developing a Knowledge Strategy." California Management Review (April 1999): 139-61.

Mintzberg, Henry. "The Fall and Rise of Strategic Planning." Harvard Business Review (January-February 1994): 107-114
4Managing Stakeholders and Problem Definition: Strategic Planning in GovernmentJick, Todd D. "The Vision Thing." Harvard Business School Case 9-490-019 (1989): 1-7.

Hazard, J. "Managing National Transportation Policy." Chapter 2 in The Federal Executive Setting. Washington, DC: Eno Foundation, 1989, pp. 31-43.

Coughlin, Joseph F. "Can a Cabinet Official Innovate? Entrepreneurial Politics and National Transportation Policy." Public Works Management and Policy 1, no. 3 (January 1997): 209-223.
5Government-Business Relations in Transportation: Patterns of Conflict and CooperationVogel, David J. "The Study of Business and Politics." California Management Review 38, no. 3 (Spring 1996): 146-165.

Kanter, Rosabeth Moss. "The Institutional Perspective on Management." Harvard Business School Research Note 9-897-185 (1997): 1-10.

"Public Policy and the Manager." Harvard Business School Research Note (1993): 1-13.
6Government-Business Relations in Conflict: Regulating Transportation SafetyAmazon logo Leone, Robert. "Technology-Forcing Public Policies and the Automobile." In Essays in Transportation Economics and Policy. Edited by J. Gomez-Ibanez, W. Tye, and C. Winston. Washington, DC: Brookings Institution 1999. pp. 291-323. ISBN: 0815731817.

Amazon logo Lave, Charles, and Lester Lave. "Fuel Economy and Auto Safety Regulation: Is the Cure Worse than the Disease?" In Essays in Transportation Economics and Policy. Edited by J. Gomez-Ibanez, W. Tye, and C. Winston. Washington, DC: Brookings Institution 1999. pp. 257-289. ISBN: 0815731817.
7Government-Business Relations in Conflict: Regulating Transportation's Influence on the Environment"Unocal Corporation's SCRAP: Crushing Old Cars for Credit." Harvard Business School Case (1991): 1-18.

Hart, Stuart. "Beyond Greening: Strategies for a Sustainable World." Harvard Business Review (January-February 1997): 67-78.
8Government-Business Relations in Cooperation: Transportation Research and DevelopmentAmazon logo Diebold Institute for Public Policy Studies. "The Need for Cooperation between the Public and Private Sectors," and "The European ITS Experience: Lessons for the United States." Chapter 5, and 7 in Transportation Infostructures: The Development of Intelligent Transportation Systems. Westport, CT: Praeger, 1995, pp. 63-72, 108-131. ISBN: 0275951561.

Sisodia, Rajendra. "Singapore Invests in the Nation-Corporation." Harvard Business Review (May-June 1992): 40-50
9Government-Business Relations in Cooperation: Transportation Infrastructure DevelopmentGoetz, and J. Szyliowicz. "Revisiting Transportation Planning and Decision Making Theory: The Case of Denver International Airport." Transportation Research A 31, no. 4 (1997).

"BAE Automated Systems: Denver International Airport Baggage-Handling System." Harvard Business School Case (1996): A:1-15, B: 1-3.
10Privatizing and Outsourcing of TransportationTruitt, Lawrence, and Michael Esler. "Airport Privatization: Full Divesture and Its Alternatives." Policy Studies Journal 24, no. 1 (1996): 100-110.

Amazon logo Gomez, Jose A., and John Meyer. Going Private: The International Experience with Transport Privatization. Washington, DC: Brookings, 1993, pp. 22-36, 275-297. ISBN: 0815731795.
11Crash! Strategic Management of Transportation DisasterAmazon logo Ray, Sally J. Strategic Communications in Crisis Management. (Airlines) Westport, CT: Quorum Books, 1999, pp. 13-54, 95-115, 159-182, 241-249. ISBN: 1567201539.

"Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA) Commuter Train and AMTRAK Train Collision." Harvard Business School Case (1990): 1-12.
12Change Management in TransportationChristensen, Clayton, and Michael Overdorf. "Meeting the Challenge of Disruptive Change." Harvard Business Review (March-April 2000): 67-76.

Rosegrant, Susan, and Todd Jick. "Northwest Airlines Confronts Change." Harvard Business School Case  (1996): 1-17.
13Globalization and Non-Governmental Organizations in TransportationPrahalad, C. K., and Kenneth Lieberthal. "The End of Corporate Imperialism." Harvard Business Review (July-August 1998): 69-80.

Rosenzweig, Philip. "Mercedes-Benz." Harvard Business School Case (1993): 1-10.


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