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Ills of extra credits….
What options do students who fail to make it to the next year have? No many. We know this. But the schools in New York were offering such students....

1 in 10 HBCUs were financially fragile before COVID-19 endangered all colleges and universities
 By reducing enrollment and disrupting instruction, the COVID-19 pandemic is generating financial distress for all colleges and universities. Schools....

Staff B
Is Our Education System Improving?
Obama is holding onto the thread of improvement and of transparency when speaking about the education system since he took office. President Obama....

Obama's New Education Plan
President Obama has designated over $5 billion to improve the education of children in the United States. Under the program, “No Child Left....

Why fewer kids work the kind of summer jobs that their parents used to have
Elliot Lasson, University of Maryland, Baltimore County Back in the day, most teens had some sort of job lined up for the summer. For some, it was an extension....

For universities, making the case For diversity is part of making amends for racist past
Juan Miró, University of Texas at Austin and Edmund T Gordon, University of Texas at Austin The Trump administration recently announced plans to scrap....

Smith College incident is latest case of racial 'profiling by proxy'
Brian N. Williams, University of Virginia; Andrea M. Headley, University of California, Berkeley, and Megan LePere-Schloop, The Ohio State University Smith College....

The start of high school doesn't have to be stressful
David Yeager, University of Texas at Austin and Hae Yeon Lee, University of Texas at Austin This month, more than 4 million students across the nation will begin....

What Harvard can learn from Texas: A solution to the controversy over affirmative action
David Orentlicher, University of Nevada, Las Vegas When it comes to the use of race-conscious affirmative action in college admissions, no one seems to be happy....

Mentors play critical role in quality of college experience, new poll suggests
Leo M. Lambert, Elon University; Jason Husser, Elon University, and Peter Felten, Elon University In order to have a rewarding college experience, students....


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