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Smith College incident is latest case of racial 'profiling by proxy'
Brian N. Williams, University of Virginia; Andrea M. Headley, University of California, Berkeley, and Megan LePere-Schloop, The Ohio State University Smith College....

The start of high school doesn't have to be stressful
David Yeager, University of Texas at Austin and Hae Yeon Lee, University of Texas at Austin This month, more than 4 million students across the nation will begin....

What Harvard can learn from Texas: A solution to the controversy over affirmative action
David Orentlicher, University of Nevada, Las Vegas When it comes to the use of race-conscious affirmative action in college admissions, no one seems to be happy....

Mentors play critical role in quality of college experience, new poll suggests
Leo M. Lambert, Elon University; Jason Husser, Elon University, and Peter Felten, Elon University In order to have a rewarding college experience, students....

How teachers can help support children during their parents’ divorce
Almost one in two marriages in Australia end in divorce. It’s estimated that in Australia, one in five children under the age of 18 have a parent living elsewhere.....

Why children should be taught to build a positive online presence
Rachel Buchanan, University of Newcastle Rather than just teaching children about internet safety and reducing their digital footprint, we should also encourage....

To fix higher education funding, we also need to fix vocational education
To fix higher education funding, we also need to fix vocational education Andrew Norton, Grattan Institute Yesterday the shadow education minister, Tanya Plibersek,....

University students with mental illnesses are falling through the gaps
 Bridgette Bewick, University of Leeds and Helen Stallman, University of South Australia The number of first year students arriving at university who report....

Australian universities to benefit in Australia-Indonesia free trade deal
Avery Poole, University of Melbourne On August 31, Prime Minister Scott Morrison secured an end to negotiations on a new free trade agreement with Indonesian....

College students with disabilities are too often excluded
Christa Bialka, Villanova University AnnCatherine Heigl, a sophomore at George Mason University, recently attempted to join all eight sororities at her school.....


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