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A Sign of the Times
Students are finally appreciating the worth of their education and choosing wisely which college, university or courses they will pick. When the economy started....

Jan R
Two Thumbs Up
Everyone is making donations these days to their favorite universities or colleges. If you have any spare change and want a wing or a center named after yourself....

Jamie K
Penn State Rocks the Economy
According to a recent article in the philly.com, Penn State University is the largest employer and the single largest contributor to the economy of the....

Top Ranking School
The University of Virginia has some celebrating to do! This esteemed school was chosen one of the top Graduate Schools in the United States for five of its Graduate....

Grace W
Ontario Students are Not Lazy
It has been reported by the Toronto Star, that most Ontario students are lazy and not prepared to attend university. They are overly dependent on Wikipedia and other....

Say No to Forgiveness!
The latest advice and protest is to allow all graduates have their student loans forgiven. This means that they don’t have to pay back the thousands of dollars....

Officials seek Professor after Shootings
Unfortunately, three people were shot and killed Saturday, April 25th while attending a picnic at the community theatre near the University of Georgia. In the report....

Grace W
Reverend Jesse Jackson has a Solution!
Reverend Jesse Jackson, as reported by the USA Today, has made a bold and wonderful suggestion which the whole country should take into consideration. Why not make....

Markoff Part Two
Apparently, the public is questioning the guilt of Philip Markoff in the killing of a woman he found on Craig’s List. People are coming out of the woodwork....

Discrimination is a Double-Edged Sword
A historically Black college has been sued by The U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) on behalf of three White faculty members who were let go or....

Jan R

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