
Urban Transportation Planning >> Content Detail

Study Materials


1The Planning Method

Thumbnail history of Boston transportation & analysis of historical developments: interstate system, aviation, rail and transit

Discuss methods of traffic analysis, how to count traffic, discuss quantitative methods

Pucher, John, and Christian Lefevre. Chap. 1 and 2 in The Urban Transport Crisis in Europe and North America.

Meyer, Michael, and Eric Miller. Chap. 1 in Urban Transportation Planning.


Highway Revolt. Resurgence of transit. Was the revolt a rebellion or a revolution?

Discussion of emerging transportation issues & strategic planning model to "map" different approaches

Alan Lupo, et al. Rites of Way Little, Brown. 1971.

Gakenheiner, Ralph. "Transportation as Response to Controversy." MIT Press, 1976. site - traffic calming techniques

Globe Conference paper by Fred Salvucci.

Eisenhower paper

Video: Dividing Highways

4Class discussion on modes and characteristics & speed, capacity, LOS, external impacts

Meyer, Michael and Eric Miller. Chap. 2 in Urban Transportation Planning.

Meyer, Michael and Eric Miller. Chap. 3 in Urban Transportation Planning.


Quantitative methods: GIS, 4-step model, traffic models, NEPAMeyer, Michael and Eric Miller. Chap. 7 in Urban Transportation Planning. Pp. 7,  385 - 396 (optional).

Meyer, Michael and Eric Miller. Chap. 5 in Urban Transportation Planning. Pp. 247 - 289, 319 - 320, 6, 333 - 353.

Edward Beimborn. "A Transportation Modeling Primer."



Transportation and Land Use -
Chicken and Egg

The Transit Challenge
NCHRP Report 423A: Land Use Impacts of Transportation: A Guidebook.

ITE Toolbox for Alleviating Traffic Congestion and Enhancing Mobility

Southworth, Michael and Eran Ben-Joseph. "Street Standards and the Shaping of Suburbia Reading on sprawl to be defined."
7Project Selection; cost-effectiveness, prioritization, institutional roles; MPOs and modal agencies.

FTA cost-effectiveness; FHWA system completion method
Transportation planning as urban design

Meyer, Michael and Eric Miller. Chap. 8 in Urban Transportation Planning. Pp. 483 - 523.

NCHRP Report 421: Economic Trends and Multimodal Transportation Requirements.


Spending other people's money-what are the rules? Economic evaluation.  Financial evaluation, Programming, Fiscal constraint, Job generation, industrial policy, Constituencies, Jack Sprat, and organization choicesMeyer, Michael and Eric Miller. Chap. 9 in Urban Transportation Planning. Pp. 565 - 570, 586 - 590.

NCHRP Synthesis 217. Consideration of the 15 Factors in the Metropolitan Planning Process: A Synthesis of Highway Practice.
9Environmental concerns-air quality, energy consumption, global warming, NEPA Infrastructure sufficiency analysisTRB Special Report 245: Expanding Metropolitan Highways: Implications for Air Quality and Energy Use

Marshall, Stephen and David Banister. "Travel reduction strategies: intentions and outcomes."

Pucher, John and Lefevre Christian . Chap. 11 in The Urban Transport Crisis in Europe and North America.
10Legislation as cause of process.  Legislation as reflection of public sentiment Legislation and delayed implementation by institutionsTo be defined
11Intelligent Transport Systems
Modeling and Policy
To be defined
12Congestion pricing
Parking Policy. Employment policies.
Housing Finance.  Tax Code
Transportation and industrial policy

Jose A., Gomez-Ibanez. "The Political Economy of Highway Tolls and Congestion Pricing."

Shoup, Donald . "An Opportunity to Reduce Minimum Parking Requirements."

Parking on Campus: It's really a Numbers Games   MIT Faculty Newsletter

Downs, Anthony. "Stuck in Traffic: Coping with Peak-Hour Congestion."


  To be defined


Infrastructure reconstruction
Operations & maintenance
Airport access and international access
New Surface Transportation and New Aviation Legislation
To be defined



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