
Physiology of the Ear >> Content Detail

Calendar / Schedule


JG: Professor John Guinan, Jr.
JR: Professor John Rosowski
CS: Professor Christopher Shera

1Course Organization and Introduction
2Middle Ear Papers

Lecture: Middle Ear
3Middle Ear PapersJR
4Middle Ear Papers (cont.)JR
5Middle Ear Papers (cont.)

Lecture: Cochlear Mechanics

Cochlear Mechanics Papers
6Cochlear MechanicsJG
7Cochlear Mechanics (cont.)JG
8Cochlear Mechanics (cont.)JG
9Motility From Hair Cell StereociliaJG
10Cochlear MechanicsJG, CS
11Cochlear Mechanics: Karaviktaki

Lecture: Hair Cells Cochlear

Amplification, Otoacoustic Emissions
12Spontaneous OscillationsJG, CS
13Outer Hair Cell Somatic MotilityJG
14Control of OHC MotilityJG
15Otoacoustic EmissionsJG, CS
16Otoacoustic Emissions (cont.)JG
17Otoacoustic Emissions (cont.)JG, CSAbstracts due for student presentations
18Student Presentations Of Suggested Topics
19Student-Selected Topic:
Modulation of f1-f2 acoustic distortion: Evidence for intracochlear neural system?
20Student-Selected Topic:
Changes in cochlear tonotopy during development
21Student-Selected Topic:
Auditory nerve response to speech stimuli in normal and traumatized cochleae
22Student-Selected Topic:
Processing speech and music sounds in the auditory periphery:  Computational models of inner hair cell and auditory nerve fiber responses
23Student-Selected Topic:
Variability of hearing organ morphology and physiology among animals: Universal similarities/differences
24Student-Selected Topic:
Variability of hearing organ morphology and physiology among animals: Universal similarities/differences (cont.)
25Student-Selected Topic:
Molecular structures of transduction gating
26Student-Selected Topic:
Adaptation of mechanoelectrical transduction channels in stereocilia of auditory hair cells


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