
Justice >> Content Detail

Calendar / Schedule


1Problems of Justice in a Democratic Society
I. Utilitarianism
2Hedonistic Utilitarianism
3The Enforcement of Morals
4A New Account of the Human Good
5The Benefits of Freedom
6Free Exercise and Religious Accommodations
II. Libertarianism
7-8The Minimal State and Possessive LibertarianismPaper 1: First version due 2 days after Lec #7
9Liberty and Labor Market Regulation
10Liberty and the Rule of Law
11-12Choice-Based LibertarianismPaper 1: Rewrite due 2 days after Lec #11
13Equal Opportunity and Education
III. Egalitarian Liberalism
14-15Equality and Personal ResponsibilityPaper 2: First version due on Lec #15
16The Problem of Health Insurance
17Equality and Affirmative Action
18-20Reconciling Liberty and EqualityPaper 2: Rewrite due on Lec #18
21Even More Egalitarian?
22Political Equality and Campaign Finance
IV. Four Topics
23Justice at Life's Inception
24Multiculturalism, Group Rights, and Gender Equality
25Human Rights
26Rights and EmergenciesPaper 3 due


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