
Architectural Design Workshop - Rethinking Office Development >> Content Detail



The End Product of the Workshop
There is no exam. Each student's work will be evaluated on
  1. ongoing contributions to the workshop sessions including readings,
  2. demonstrated ability to critically evaluate current development practice,
  3. ability to explore how design can be a bridge between supply and demand issues, and
  4. imagination, initiative and practicality demonstrated at the final presentation.

For the final session of the workshop each student (or pair of students) would be expected to develop a case for an innovative feature, product or service in the form of a presentation to an appropriate developer (such as Gerald Hines) or service provider (such as Regus). The presentation will include a market analysis, a thorough description (but not design) of the proposed feature, product or service supported by a well argued and coherent business case justifying the innovation. Since the presentations will be given at the last class before an invited audience consisting of notable figures in the office development world, student ideas will have to be cogent, realistic and well worked out to grab attention. The standard of presentation and argument will need to be equally professional.

The build up to the final presentation will be in the following stages:

  • An exploration of the office development process as it is currently conducted in cities such as Boston and New York
  • An analysis of the reasons for the relatively conservative positions of developers and suppliers
  • An exploration of factors for change
  • The development of the presentations



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