
Calculus with Theory II >> Content Detail



Recitation assignments are listed below, including references to the textbook: Apostol, Calculus, Vols. I and II, Second Edition (1967).

11. Ex. 2, 4, 19-21 on pp. 457.
2. Ex. 11, 12 on pp. 451.
21. Ex. 1-28, pp. 555.
2. Ex. 1-4, 8, 13, pp. 460.
3. Ex. 5-10, 12, pp. 467.
31. Read section 16.18.
2. Ex. 1-3, 5, 6, 10, pp. 613.
3. Ex. 17-20, pp. 468.
41. Ex. 5-8, 10, pp. 477.
2. Ex. 8-10, pp. 482.
3. Ex. 1, 2, 4-11, pp. 603-604.
51. Let M_1 and M_2 be two non-parallel 2-planes in V_4. What can be the intersection? Give examples to illustrate the possibilities.
2. Read pp. 612 on finding the inverse matrix.
3. Ex. 12-15, pp. 614.
61. Compute the determinants and the inverses (where exist) of the matrices in ex. 2, 6, 7, 8 on pp. 604.
2. Show that the determinant of a matrix is equal to the determinant of its transpose in 2x2 and 3x3 cases. Discuss the general case. Deduce that the columns of a square matrix are linearly independent if and only if the rows are.
71. Ex. 2, 7, 8, 13, 15 on pp. 516.
2. Read section 14.6.
3. Ex. 1-5, 7 on pp. 524.
4. Ex. 1-7, 11, 17 on pp. 535.
8Review Linear Algebra for the Quiz.
91. Read Section 14.20.
2. Ex. 5-10 on pp. 528.
3. Ex. 1, 4, 5 on pp. 539.
101. Ex. 1, 7, 8 on pp. 251-252. From now on use T. Apostol, Calculus, vol. II.
2. Ex. 1-13 on pp. 255-256.
111. Read Sections 8.13 and 9.9.
2. Ex. 1-4, 7, 11 on pp. 262-263.
3. Ex. 1, 3-6 on pp. 268.
121. Read Ex. 1 and 3 in Section 8.21.
2. Ex. 2-7, 10, 11 on pp. 276.
131. Ex. 1-6 on pp. 302.
2. Ex. 1-12 on pp. 313.
141. Ex. 1-7 on pp. 328.
2. Read Section 10.8.
3. Ex. 1, 2, 7-9 on pp. 331-332.
151. Read Section 10.14 and examples in 10.16.
2. Ex. 2-6, pp. 336-337.
3. Ex. 1-8, 13 pp. 345.
161. Ex. 17, 18 on pp. 346.
2. Review Line Integrals (Ch. 10).
171. Read Section 11.8 (examples) and the proof of Thm. 11.9 on pp. 367.
2. Ex. 1-5, 9, 10 on pp. 362.
3. Ex. 1-4, 8 on pp. 371-372.
181. Read Section 11.16.
2. Ex. 1-6, on pp. 377.
3. Ex. 1-3, 11, 12 on pp. 414.
191. Read Section 10.20.
2. Ex. 1, 2, 5, 6, 7 on p. 385.
201. Ex. 1-3, 5 on pp. 391.
211. Read Section 11.27 (examples).
2. Ex. 1-7, 10, 11 on pp. 399-400.
221. Ex. 1-4, 6, 7, 10-12 on pp. 413-414.
2. Ex. 1-5, 7, 8 on pp. 424.
3. Read Examples 1, 2 on pp. 427-428.
4. Ex. 1-6 on pp. 429.
231. Ex. 1-6 on pp. 436-437.
241. Read Sections 12.11 and 12.19.
2. Ex. 1-3, 5-7 on pp. 442.
3. Ex. 1, 2, 4, 5 on pp. 462.



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