
Fourier Analysis - Theory and Applications >> Content Detail



The problems are assigned from the course textbook:  Adams, Malcolm, and Victor Guillemin. Measure Theory and Probability. Boston: Springer Verlag, 1996.  

1Chapter 1: p. 11, nos. 1 and 2; p. 12, nos. 4 and 5; p. 39, nos. 1 (first part), 2, 3, and 4.
2Chapter 1: p. 12, nos. 4 and 5; p. 39, nos. 3 and 4 from last time.
3Chapter 1: p. 41, nos. 11 and 13; p. 42, nos. 19 and 20.
4Chapter 2: p. 58, nos. 3, 8, and 10; p. 69, no. 2; p. 70, no. 9; p. 80, no. 1.
5Chapter 3: p. 129, no. 11; p. 135, nos. 5 and 6; p. 136, no. 11; p. 143, no. 2.
6Chapter 3: p. 143, nos. 3, 4, and 5; p. 153, nos. 1, 2, and 3.


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