
Algebraic Topology II >> Content Detail

Lecture Notes

Lecture Notes

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Lecture notes were posted after most lectures, summarizing the contents of the lecture. Sometimes these are detailed, and sometimes they give references in the following texts:

Amazon logo Hatcher. Algebraic Topology. Cambridge, New York, NY: Cambridge University Press, 2002. ISBN: 052179160X. (Available online.)

Amazon logo May. A Concise Course in Algebraic Topology. Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press, 1999. ISBN: 0226511820 (cloth: alk. paper) and 0226511839 (pbk.: alk. paper). (PDF - 1.3 MB)

Brown, Edgar H., Jr. "Cohomology Theories." Ann. of Math 2, no. 75 (1962).

1Category Theory (PDF)
2Compactly Generated Spaces (PDF)
3Pointed Spaces and Homotopy Groups (PDF)
4Simple Computations, the Action of the Fundamental Groupoid (PDF)
5Cofibrations, Well Pointedness, Weak Equivalences, Relative Homotopy (PDF)
6Pushouts and Pullbacks, the Homotopy Fiber (PDF)
7Cofibers (PDF)
8Puppe Sequences (PDF)
9Fibrations (PDF)
10Hopf Fibrations, Whitehead Theorem (PDF)
11Help! Whitehead Theorem and Cellular Approximation (PDF)
12Homotopy Excision (PDF )
13The Hurewicz Homomorphism (PDF)
14Proof of Hurewicz (PDF)
15Eilenberg-Maclane Spaces (PDF)
16-20Brown Representability Theorem; Principle G-bundles and Classifying Spaces; Existence of Classifying SpacesBrown Representability Theorem: Hatcher. Algebraic Topology. Section 4.E.

Principle G-bundles and Classifying Spaces: May. A Concise Course in Algebraic Topology. Chapter 23, section 8.

Existence of Classifying Spaces: Brown, Edgar H., Jr. "Cohomology Theories." Ann of Math 2, no. 75 (1962): 467-484. Section 5, application 1.
21Spectral Sequences (PDF)
22The Spectral Sequence of a Filtered Complex (PDF)
23-28The Serre Spectral SequenceHatcher. "Spectral Sequence Notes." Chapter 1.
29Line Bundles (PDF)
30Induced Maps Between Classifying Spaces, H*(BU(n)) (PDF)
31Completion of a Deferred Proof, Whitney Sum, and Chern Classes (PDF)
32Properties of Chern Classes, the Splitting Principle (PDF)
33Chern Classes and Elementary Symmetric Polynomials (PDF)


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