
Nano-to-Macro Transport Processes >> Content Detail

Calendar / Schedule


1Introduction to Nanotechnology and Nanoscale Transport Phenomena; Microscopic Pictures of Heat Carriers
2Characteristic Time and Length, Simple Kinetic Theory, Characteristic
3Schrödinger EquationHomework 1 due
4Quantum Wells, Harmonic Oscillators, Rigid Rotors, and Hydrogen Atoms
5Rigid Rotors, Hydrogen Atom, Electronic Levels in One-dimensional Lattice ChainHomework 2 due
6Electronic Energy Levels in Crystals
7Phonon Energy Levels in Crystals, Crystal StructuresHomework 3 due
8Reciprocal Lattice, X-ray
9Energy Spectrum in Nanostructures, Density of States, Statistical DistributionsHomework 4 due
10Specific Heat of Molecules, Electrons, Phonons; Blackbody RadiationHomework 5 due
11Effects of Nanostructures on Energy Storage, Energy Transfer by Waves, Electron Waves
12Electromagnetic Waves, Reflection of Waves at a Single InterfaceHomework 6 due
13Acoustic Waves, Interference and Tunneling
14Laudauer FormalismHomework 7 due
15Midterm 1
16Transport in Carbon Nanotubes (Guest Lecture by Prof. Mildred Dresselhaus, MIT.)
17Transition to Particle Description, Louiville Equation
18Boltzmann Equation, Relaxation Time ApproximationHomework 8 due
19Fourier Law and Newton's Shear Stress Law
20Ohm's Law and Thermoelectric EffectHomework 9 due
21Nanostructured Thermoelectrics (Guest Lecture by Prof. Mildred Dresselhaus, MIT.)
22Take Home Exam 2
23Thermoelectric Effect
24Classical Size Effects, Parallel Direction
25Classical Size Effects, Perpendicular Direction
26Liquid, Brownian Motion, Forces and Potentials, Electrokinetics, Surface TensionHomework 10 due

Final project due


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