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Honour, Hugh. Romanticism . Boulder, CO: Westview Press, 1979. ISBN: 9780064300896.
It is also suggested that you read or at least skim the appropriate entries for the given composers in the New Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians.
1 | An Introduction to the Romantic Genres | |
Part 1: Intimacy and the (Self-) Portrait: Piano Music and Songs |
2 | Songs and Piano Music of Schubert and Mendelssohn | Honour. Introduction, Chapter 1. |
3 | Songs and Piano Music of Schumann | Honour. Chapter 7. |
4 | Piano Music of Chopin and Liszt | |
5 | Brahms, Wolf and Strauss | |
6 | Faure and Debussy | |
Part 2: Romantic Chamber Music |
7 | Schubert String Quintet | |
8 | Brahms | |
9 | Chamber Music in France: Saint-Saens, Franck, Faure and Debussy | |
10 | Quiz 1 | |
Part 3: Drama in the Theater and the Church: Opera and Church Music |
11 | Weber and Wagner | Honour. Chapter 8. |
12 | Donizetti and Verdi | |
13 | Verdi (cont.) and Gounod | |
14 | Tchaikowsky | |
Intermezzo: Nationalism |
15 | Smetana, Grieg, Dvorak, Moussorgsky | Honour. Chapter 6. |
Part 4: Orchestral Music: Programatic and Absolute |
16 | Mendelssohn and Schubert | |
17 | Berlioz | |
18 | Schumann and Brahms | |
19 | Tchaikowsky | |
20 | Bruckner and Sibelius | |
21 | Mahler | |
22 | Elgar, Strauss and Debussy | |
23 | Quiz 2 | |
Part 5: Romanticism in America |
24 | Foster, Gottschalk, Beach, Foote and Chadwick | |
Finale |
25 | Salon I | |
26 | Salon II | |