
Lighting Design for the Theatre >> Content Detail

Calendar / Schedule


1"Introduction, Overview, Expectations" Availability
2Decipher Pictures/Create Plot from them

Discussion of Reading/Field Trips
3Little Red Riding Hood - Script Analysis

Present E.R.'s/Adjectives
4Meet in the Theater

Focus Small Plot to Create Cues from
5Meet in the Theater

Create a ""Look"" from your Emotional Response to the Music"
6Betrayal Design Meeting
7A Basic Rep Plot for KLT - Working within Limitations/ Plot for Haiku
8"Mike Katz - Drafting/Drawings, Sections, CAD, Vectorworks"

Speakeasy Tech
9Guest Actors Present Scenes - Discussion/Cues/Perceptions/Interpretations
10Meet in the Theater

Hang and Focus Haiku Plots
11Meet in the Theater

Cues for Haiku - Found Objects - Composition
12Meet in the Theater

Cues for Haiku - Found Objects - Composition part 2
13Betrayal design meeting alternate

Designer Slide Show/Tour?
14Meet in the Theater

Using ""Haiku Plot"" Cue Scenes with Actors - Timing/ Initiation/Contrast"
15Style and Color Connotations - Students Present Research

Dance Troupe Ensemble Design Meeting
16Voice of the Prairie Discussion

Additional Student Presentations as Necessary
17With Foundations Class - Discuss Book of Days
18Presentations of Plots and Paperwork - Discussion of Assignment

Theatre Architecture
19Cues and Storyboards and Cue Synopsis Where, When, Why
20Begin Work on Dance Troupe Ensemble Plot

Rental/Sale Items
21Continue Work on Plot Dance Troupe Ensemble

Confirm Rental
22Finalize Plot and Paperwork
23Begin Load in Hang Dance Troupe Ensemble - Attendance as Possible throughout Day
24No Formal Class Meeting - Continue Hang and Focus
25Continue Hang and Focus - Attendance as Possible Throughout Day
26, 27If on Campus, Possible Work/Focus/Cueing
28No Formal Class - Tech Continues

Cue Writing/Tech Rehearsal
29Dress Rehearsal and Fixes
30No Formal Class Notes and Fixes at Theatre

Dance Troupe Ensemble Opens!
31Final Class - Post Mortem



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