
Applied Nuclear Physics >> Content Detail



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22.101 is dedicated to foundational study of nuclear radiations - neutrons, gamma rays and charged particles and their interactions with matter. Of primary interest are the basic concepts of nuclear stability and reactive collision phenomena involving elementary quantum and classical mechanics, along with kinematics relations based on conservation laws. A signature focus is the understanding of cross sections and their use in various application areas relevant to the Department.

General Reference Texts

Amazon logo Krane, Kenneth S. Introductory Nuclear Physics. New York, NY: Wiley and Sons, 1987, pp. 845. ISBN: 9780471805533.

Amazon logo Meyerhof, Walter E. Elements of Nuclear Physics. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill, 1967, pp. 279. ISBN: 9780070417458.

Amazon logo Evans, Robley D. The Atomic Nucleus. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill, 1982, pp. 972. ISBN: 9780898744149.

Grading Policy

Problem Sets40%
Quizzes (20% each)60%


1Basic Nuclear Concepts
Quantum Mechanical Description of Nuclei
2Schrödinger Wave Equation
3Bound States in One Dimensional Systems – Particle in a Square WellProblem set 1 due
4Bound States in Three Dimensions - Orbital Angular Momentum
5Barrier PenetrationProblem set 2 due two days after Lec #5
6The Neutron-Proton System: Bound State of the Deuteron
7Overview of Cross Section CalculationProblem set 3 due
8Neutron-Proton Scattering
9Quiz 1 ReviewProblem set 4 due
Quiz 1 (Lec #1-8, Closed Book)
Nuclear Binding, Stability and Decay
10Nuclear Shell Model
11Nuclear Binding Energy and StabilityProblem set 5 due two days after Lec #11
12Binding Energy and Mass Parabolas
Interaction of Radiation with Matter
13Radioactive-Series DecayProblem set 6 due
14Charged Particle Interactions: Stopping Power, Collision and Ionization
15Charged Particle Interactions: Radiation Loss, Range
16Neutron Interactions: Q-equation and Elastic Scattering
17Quiz 2 ReviewProblem set 7 due
Quiz 2 (Lec #9-15, Closed Book)
18Neutron Interactions: Energy, Angular Distributions, Thermal Motions
19Gamma Interactions: Compton Scattering
20Gamma Interactions: Photoelectric Effect and Pair Production
21Detection of Nuclear Radiation: Pulse Height Spectra
Nuclear Processes
22Nuclear Decays
23Nuclear Reactions: Energetics and Compound NucleusProblem set 8 due
24Quiz 3 Review
Quiz 3 (Lec #16-21, Closed Book)


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