
Neutron Interactions and Applications >> Content Detail



The purpose of the project is to examine a conceptual issue in the context of neutron or particle interactions in some depth.

Sample Student Projects

Listed below are some sample student projects. These projects are courtesy of the student names mentioned and are used with their permission.

Critical Analysis of a Relevant Paper and Comparison with an MCNP Simulation, by Chris Handwerk (PDF)

Radiation Damage: Atom Displacement, by Craig Gerardi (PDF)

Monte Carlo Simulation of Solid State Diffusion (PDF)

Neutron Slowing Down Distances and Times in Hydrogenous Materials, by Erin Boyd (PDF)

Analytic Assessment of Eigenvalues of the Neutron Transport Equation, by Sung Joong Kim (PDF)

Other Student Project Topics

Review of Fermi's Paper on the Critical Chain-Reaction Pile

Neutron-Capture Prompt - Ray Activation Analysis for Explosives Detection

A Presentation of the Quasi-Monte Carlo Method

Thermal Flux Distribution

Correlations in the Motion of Atoms in Liquid Argon

The Discovery of the Positron

Fast Neutron Resonance Radiography

Neutron Energy Distribution in an Infinite Medium

The Barnes and Hut Tree Method: An Efficient Technique for N-Body Simulations

The Flux of Spontaneous Fission Neutrons at the Surface of a Plutonium-based Nuclear Weapon

Scattering of Slow Neutrons

Determining the Invariant in Bicontinuous Materials Using Small Angle Neutron Scattering

Chadwick's Discovery of the Neutron: A New Look

Postulation of Neutron Stars

Optical Model for Neutron-Nucleon Scattering

CP-1 and the Choice of Graphite as a Moderator


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